Sandra Walter ~ Primary Timelines: The Higher Trajectory of Now


May 3, 2018

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Transformation is presenting for May, both behind-the-scenes and in our collective experience. It reflects the next-level skill sets revealed last year at this time. The deep experiences with the formless realms, the Cosmic Stargates, the remembering of ancient skills, the Galactic Council shifts … all of these now reveal the fruition of our higher trajectory choices.

Amplification of personal and collective choices are the revelation energies, the photonic autonomy. Embodiment experiences, also based on choice, are revealing the path of Lightbody Ascension. This is a decision at OverSoul level. The pure light of Crystalline Consciousness flowing through the Gateways this month will make those choices clear. Your free will choice to either fear it or align with it will present stronger than ever.

This month reveals conscious and subconscious choices stronger than before: an all-in or all-out check point on your Ascension process. The veils will get very thin, especially during the influx of May 15-22, in order to reveal behind-the-scenes activity. As always, this is not about them, this is about all of us. Behind the illusion there are great acts of benevolent transformation occurring. If you are involved in those Council meetings, you understand the delicate balance at hand.

The same delicacy is reflected in our lifestreams; the crystalline frequency demands decentralization of our own consciousness. We see this in the loosening of egoic grip on personal identity, the willingness to unify on behalf of all, and the doors opening to much higher levels of creation. As old systems and realities dissolve, the New presents with wide-open abandon. And the freedom of the New can be overwhelming. Wayshowers are transitioning our services to handle the collective shock of that Freedom. What a wonderful problem to confront this year!

Creations out of alignment become draining or uncomfortable, also a side effect of what is going on behind the scenes (see Crossing the Crystalline Bridges Part One.) The intensity affects all of us, and the influxes this month are reflecting the higher trajectory of freedom. Pray for those in Leadership roles, send them love and grace for benevolent action; the pressure is immense. Every willing awakened being must reject the waiting game programs, in this Now, and move forward with positive creations of service and solutions. It is that easy to support disclosure. Energetic support of the energy of abundance, freedom, new creations, Divine HUman expression assist the Global operation. New creations demand an element of co-creation to support unified transparency and abundance.

Unity Consciousness was always present, it is our natural state. We tear down the self-imposed (Higher Self-imposed) veils, the Light level removes the Planetary and Galactic veils, and Unity/Christ/Crystalline consciousness returns as our consistent reality.

Continue reading here.

Yellow Rose for Texas Update ~ 5/2/18


editor’s note:  i appreciate this one and find parts of it very resonating, in particular the discussion about having a difficult time accomplishing things. getting through the day and doing the basics has become a real challenge – a growing challenge.  the other day i was struggling with this ~ telling myself the old story of “i should” be different….when i am as i am (who is a much different version than just 2 years ago).  as i had this internal conversation i had this inner quiet feel come over me that said to let go, relax, i was being guided to let go of ALL within this realm, in particular all of the doing and the plans (i used to love to make plans.  today?  i cannot energetically align with it – and i mean not at all.)  i had this feeling – this thought – am i being totally unplugged?  weird, huh? anyway then i see this tonight and well, you know…  this video also explains why the RV has never fully resonated w/me nor gesara/nesara ~ at least not resonating from the purest truest part of me.  not that i find it “bad” or “negative” – just do not feeeeeeeeeeel this is a system i wish to be a part of.  as much as i gripe and have worried about money, it does not resonate with who i really am.  in my vision of a new earth community, i have never felt nor seen money.  what i do resonate with is freedom and living a life of ease – not as someone else’s expense or indeed not under another’s control – but because i have all of ME restored and have access to any outside tech that assists in living that live of ease and freedom.  also very interesting insight on the removal of the “net” ~ giving me pause to consider why it has taken so “long” and how complex this construct is – was – and the great care needed to shut it down.

any of you relate?  if so how?  please share (i always want to hear your experiences and insights).


Published on May 2, 2018

I Captured The Blue Planet Today (along w/a strange green object)


You know what’s quite the synchronicity?   Earlier today, prior to taking these photos, I had read when we are very close to the event transition, many will begin seeing green objects in the sky.  Well here you go…  (the white floating objects are the cotton wood type spores coming from our tree)


You can see the blue planet ~ center and slightly above the sun.  



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A (Beautiful!!) Vision For Home


Editor’s note:  Thank you dear Robin for sharing this one.  I wept too!  The desire for home has been a life-long experience for myself, my mate ~ so many of them.  Oh so ready for the total freedom ~ to end this damn separation ~ for those of us who feeeeeeeeeeeel connection w/others are no longer separated in the physical sense.  Unity.  Home.  Now.  It is proclaimed.  It is done.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Home

We see a world where everyone who chooses it for themselves gets to go home; where those whose home is focalized in the loving arms of God, get to go there; where those who resonate with planets and places among the stars, get to go there; where those who have a country and family ties in a certain area, get to go there; and where those who have a particular piece of land here on Earth that feels like home to them, get to go there and stay for as long as they like.

And for those who do not have a home, or a place to sleep for the night, or the love of family and friends to share good times with, we see them finding a special spot on this Earth that becomes a home where they can be happy, warm, safe and at peace. For these wanderers we envision them locating that special place and truly feeling and understanding that which is meant by the word “home.”

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Lisa Gawlas ~ The Ring of Light – Event Horizon – Penetrating!!


Three words:  I can relate.  T/Y Rick for sharing…  What is intriguing to me is the past 48 hours I have begun to hear (and use) the term “event horizon”. Here it is turning up again….  May 14th and 24th also feeling that as, well, who knows, significant?  Just feeling that time as meaning something….


I am going to get straight to the point of today’s blog, the event horizon that happened over this past weekend and will continue to unfold thru the full moon of May (the 29th I believe.)  I was in a hypnosis weekend while it was happening, the only thing I could relate to any of it was an energy drain on Sunday, but it wasn’t too bad, not like yesterday OMG.  But I’ll get to that in a moment.

Lets look at the energies and information coming from the readings on Tuesday.  Every single person featured this massive ring of light, representing the event horizon, that was moving parallel to the ground into each persons back/spine.  The entry point at the back was different for each person, all for unique reasons.  One lady had it moving into the very bottom of her tailbone, another where the root and sacral energy centers meet, another at the sacral plexus area and so on.

What this ring of light was doing was moving into the body, and targeting the spine area, the core of the core energy of each person to include their biology.  With one of my lady’s it was targeting her bone marrow and blood production.  Changing the light frequency of the blood, slowly over time (thru Mays full moon.)  When this ring of light first penetrated the skin, it started dripping white/silvery drops of energy until it moved into her spine, then it became a steady stream.  It was explained that the droplets were a way of preparing the whole body for the incoming change (the stream and enhanced blood,)

Another lady  whose energy was coming in at the root/sacral connection said it is completely adjusting her connection to the earth energies and her sense of Self, enhancing on every level.  Infusing new ideas, concepts and modalities that she will bring forth for others.

There was another lady where this ring of light was penetrating at her sacral plexus area and there were two different releases of energy as it made contact within her spine.  This liquid light streaming downwards and then this liquid fire energy moving upwards.  One adjusting her connection to the earth frequency, the other enhancing her passion centers moving forward (to put it simply.)

Of the four on my dance card yesterday, two had interesting enhancements happening along with the power and energy of this ring of light.  These are the times I wish I could record or at least draw what I see.

Continue reading here.