Rare Astrological Event ~ 7 Planets Direct for January 7th – February 6th

via TheMindUnleashed,

Image result for planets direct image

Starting January 7th and going through February 6th, 2017, all of the major planets will be moving direct (forward). Ancients saw this as a time of great fortune and a very opportune time.

Stephanie “Wave” Forest is the first known astrologer first to publish articles, teach online courses and present slide show lectures on both the occurrence and potential of All Planets in Direct Motion (APDM).

Wave states, “Now, here in this moment, from our geo-centric view, our entire solar system, moving together, in the same direction, like a flowing cosmic river, all traveling towards this one direction.  From the position of the Sun or Earth’s perspective, All Planets in Direct Motion represents an organic, holistic, synchronous, harmonious group passage through the endless universe. 

An APDM cycle is definitely one of hope for the future. It’s uniquely a time where the earth’s perspective becomes like the Sun. Where the vibration of the solar system can provide an extraordinary kind of cosmic assistance to any endeavor created to benefit, rather than to hinder, human life on earth. Where the whole planet can be energized by cosmic fuel rather than fossil fuels.

The auspicious timing of APDM 2017 is recommended by astrologers for successful mergers, marriages, large acquisitions, charity events, physical operations, inaugurations, launch a new business, birth a new president and anything else where one desires a positive result.

APDM is furthermore considered to be a time when the universe is in a state of natural order with all the planets are traveling forward.” 

Continue reading here.

As We Shift ~ Can You Feel It?

Editor’s note:  Oh, how I LOVE this one!  Truly resonates.  Thank you, Sophia for writing such a beautiful piece.  


By Sophia Love

Do you feel it? Getting drenched with waves these last several days brings on dizziness here. Something is moving, approaching, and mixing with our frequency.

Yesterday I saw this (click here).  As I was editing this, I was sent a copy of Winston Shrout’s newsletter, which pretty much echoes that report.  His website is found here.  This chart (click here) has also been showing some anomaly since December the 8th of this year. Check out the second row.  If you back date it, you will see it is new.

Something is definitely up.

What I notice personally and hear from many others adds up to this:

  • Vivid dreams of mass arrivals in our skies
  • “dream work” which includes training for some global event
  • Physical sensations/dizziness from incoming vibrations moving through
  • Visual encounters with non-human life forms (these could be walking by, floating by, or standing, either in peripheral vision or straight on)
  • Sounds coming from those that are not seen (doors closing, clothes rustling, walking, movement in rooms that are empty)
  • The veil thinning
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Appetite changes
  • Sleep difficulties
  • Extreme anticipation

Here we go…

Continue reading “As We Shift ~ Can You Feel It?”

Synergy ~ Unification of The Rainbow Tribe

By lightlover1964, 01/01/2017


Happy Now Year 2017!

I wish to share with you a message I received today at 3:45 from MotherFatherEarth in that incredible booming loving voice that usually fries me…it did Lol!

As always take what you need and leave the rest.

The message:


My understanding of the message:

Everything starts at energetic level first before it can physically manifest.

The completion energies of 2016,(9), have assisted the forerunners to fully release their individual karmic experiences of 3d and 4d, exiting from said matrixes.

They have fully anchored ENERGETIC bridges between all dimensions.

This  makes ascension accessible to ALL of our brothers and sisters irregardless of individual dna genetic manipulation, as all bloodlines have been cleared  by the forerunners as they each activated their individual dna.

This in turn clears dna at galactic level as well.

We contracted to be born into families whose genetic signature had been corrupted to the point that their whole bloodline could not ascend.

We took on the whole familial karma bloodline to clear.We interfered with those that interfered…hehehehe….

No one is ever left behind of course, since we are all connected. Through our dna as well.

This has made things difficult for the forerunners at higher levels of individual ascension, as they have been on a holding pattern in the void,getting beat to a pulp, holding their stair step space, awaiting for the rest of the forerunner soul group to all fully activate and unify by clearing all their karmic contracts.

This is so a unified quantum jump could be achieved into the higher dimensions as a soul group, completely releasing from the 3d and 4d matrix and collapsing personal descension timelines.

This energetic “punch”, sort to speak, of such collective energy withdrawal, is so massive when done all at once,  it is the “nail in the coffin” of the old earth.

The entire soul group that are the Forerunners had to awaken and activate so that a unified quantum jump into 5d and above could occur in this completion year of 2016 and collapse all descension matrices of Old Earth.

Now, each forerunner has anchored at their highest possible individual frequency into the new grids of New Earth.

And so it continues as ascension out of this next grid becomes the next era for the earth.

The Energies of 2017, (10) bring forth Source(0) and Creation(1) Energies to assist and anchor the New Earth Reality, Heaven on Earth.

Just like a new born, the forerunners are in the process of adjusting to their new multidimensional vision in their “Heaven.”

Once third eye clarity is reached in the new individual’s chakra system, the new world can be “seen”.

Practice by looking to the skies, they “show” you in which dimension you find yourself. FEEL Truth in your Heart. FEEL the NEW.

Discernment is Key.

All things must come to an end.

So the NEW can take its place.

Now the next step in the ascension process begins.

Humanity begins to awaken.

May All Unfold for the Highest Good of All In Love.

And So It Is.

May 2017 Be Amazing for you! For All of Us.

And THANK YOU for always supporting me, it is amazing how much I feel you in my Heart.

In Love, Light and Joyful Service I send my love to All.


Sourced from here.

The Future Of Education – A School You Would WANT To Attend

Editor’s note:  Thanks to the authors, Michelle Walling and Gregg Prescott, for taking on this topic.  I am so very ready to have my child educated in such a system and it is something I would very much get behind myself.  Anyone else interested?  Drop me a line!  

Example of future studies

Although the subjects discussed in the Urantia book build a good basic foundation for education, higher learning classes would expand into subjects that will allow children will be excited about attending school. Examples of these kinds of subjects are:

Math– Geometry is the basic building block of all life. Math will take on a whole new meaning and new ways of arithmetic along with fun ways to calculate will be taught.
Cosmic Science– Identity and placement of Universes in our cosmos and the difference between free willed Universes and non free-willed Universes.
Universal Science– How planets, moons, and stars are sentient beings and how they all work together to form solar systems and galaxies.
Universal History– The history of the Universe including civilizations and placement in the Cosmos.
Creation Science– The study of how everyone and everything is connected from one Creator and how we contribute to that creation.
Human History– DNA studies, human genetics, and the history of humanity from Lyra to today, including the social statistics, behaviors, and characteristics of all humans in our Universe.
Human Rights- Constitutional Law on freedom and the Golden Rule.
Sexual Relations– The responsibility behind merging energies with another human and teaching the ability to decide whether another human body is created.
Universal Language– Learning the language of light which is understood throughout the Universe.
Universal Law– Learning the importance of Universal Law and how it relates to all sentient beings.
Astrology – Learning how to read and fully understand your birthchart.
Astronomy – Understanding the importance of stars, planets and constellations.  Learning how the stars can show us the cycles of time along with how they can be used for navigation.
Sixth Sense Studies– Developing all of your innate gifts.
Meditation–  Guided classes on how to safely travel the Universe with your consciousness, learning new meditation techniques, developing new ones.
Exercise– Yoga, Tai Chi, etc.
Galactic Ambassador Training– How to become a galactic ambassador, spaceship flight training.
Healing– Methods for keeping the body clear of negativity (reiki, quantum touch, etc…), responsible thinking, service to others.
Gardening– How to grow organic food and hemp for cultivation, different forms of gardening such as hydroponics, permaculture, etc…
Technological and Industrial Sciences– How to make almost anything from hemp, 3d printing, free energy technology, encourage free thinking and non competitive invention
Environment– The true importance of being stewards of the earth by living on her without making footprints and healing the environment.
Recycling– Maximizing what has been created in the past into something sustainable.
Council of Elder training– With the elimination of government, a Council of Elders training program will be facilitated to ensure that future elders will always be working in humanity’s best interests.
Music– All forms of music including history, composition, symphonic band and concert, and voice.
UFO Research – Classes on the documentation of UFOs through night vision goggles, how to interact with them, sky mapping, UFOs in Art History, etc…
Creative arts– All forms of creativity including art, dance, drama, and writing.
Community– How to contribute economically to your community through barter, volunteering, and communal caregiving for all children. Creative culinary classes and decorating houses for energy flow could be subjects.
Life Path Development – Helping people find their life path, based on their astrological charts, personal interests and past life experiences.
Spiritual Psychology– Learning how the body, mind, soul and spirit interact.  Dream analysis, dream journals, counseling  methods, past life regression techniques are included in this genre.

To read the article in its entirety, click here.  

The Final Release – December 2016



The incredible anchoring of this Christmas/Solstice/Moon/2016 Completion Source Energies -(plus others I have no idea WHAT they are lol) into the new sacred geometry grids has reached such high  levels, it has truly amazed gridworkers and our assisting Light Families.

***(I am scattered in the winds of change and I am so happy to be able to write something down to share with you guys without also blowing up my computer, please bear with me if I am all over the place…but, well..I am. lol!)***

I was called in service to be in Sedona, Arizona, with many others, to anchor into the Sedona Vortex the highest possible Source Energies at the Blessed 11/11 Portal.

It was at the 11:11 time anchoring that THE Message came through from a unified MotherFatherEarth:


It was so loud it echoed through every fiber of my being, in the most loving  booming voice I have ever heard in my life. It reverberated through my entire system and raised my frequency so high I threw up when I came down. Didn’t care, it was beyond worth it. In that moment I understood things for which I have no words.

There is a new ascended Terra in town and the game is over.

Continue reading here.  

Another Major Energy Wave To Peak Wednesday December 28th

Buckle up – stay grounded – love yourself.  

Image result for energy waves hitting earth image

BLAJI – the 7th Dimensional Pleiadian

Master Teacher shared there’s another major energy wave ramping up.

Peaking Wednesday December 28th

We’ve been receiving emails and texts from lots of you in the ECETI Community are noticing people around them are “losing it” a little. And those of us that are on our journey may be experiencing body pain, nausea, the collective grief and exhaustion…and then the hits of BLISS! This is a continuation of the powerful energy wave that’s been hitting the planet… And guess what, there’s more to come!

While doing clearings at ECETI in response to your requests, Blaji – the 7th Dimensional Master Teacher communicating from 2 million years in the future – shared with James that on December 28th there will be another peak of this powerful transformative energy wave. So, fasten your spiritual seat belts, take care of yourselves and hold space for those around you who are not yet awake and will be experiencing their unresolved issues coming up.

If you feel you need some support, do the clearing and/or join Ashli on her teleconference Wednesday night.

Register for the teleconference here:
Wednesday December 28th – Multi Dimensional Intention Setting for 2017 and beyond


from James Gilliland’s book Reunion With Source

Healing is a must for all those who desire to operate in other realms of consciousness. You must have self authority and maintain control. If you are experiencing negative vibrations, they are either thought forms, limiting mental concepts, psychic bonds or discarnate entities (lost souls) in need of healing. They are bound to the earth vibration due to lower vibration attitudes and emotions. Some are coercive and desire to manipulate and control. Love heals. Casting out only sends them to another place, another person. In all healing, remember that God is love. It is the power of love that heals and lifts. We will give you the following steps to clear the energy.

1. Close your aura by visualizing a white or gold light around you.
2. Call upon your chosen cultural representative of God, be it Jesus, Buddha, Babaji, Mary, Mohammed, White Eagle or another one of the Beautiful Many Christed Ones.
3. Tell the entities they are healed and forgiven, lifted and enlightened.
4. Tell them they are healed and surrounded with the Christ light and the Christ love.
5. Ask your chosen representative to take them to their perfect place.
6. Ask that all negative thought forms and limiting mental concepts be dissolved and lifted in the light of truth.
7. Ask that all psychic bonds be severed, and close their auras to all but spirit of the highest vibration.

Repeat this process until you feel clear. There may be more than one healing to do. Remember your word is very powerful, and what is spoken on their level manifests instantly. Many enlightened ones use this process before opening. It creates a clear and safe environment, and it also lifts the one who is doing the healing. Intent is nine-tenths of the law. If you intend to serve and heal, you will draw to you entities of like mind. If you intend to coerce or manipulate, again you will draw entities of like mind. It is the law of attraction.

At times, discarnate spirits will come to your light like a moth to a flame. Do not judge yourself, simply heal them. They are the ones in trouble, not you. They are seeking your help.
(see James’s book Reunion with Source for Advanced Healing techniques)



Star Family Are Helping With Dimensional Shift

December 21, 2016

By Gregg Prescott, M.S.

In an interview, James Gilliland stated the Anunnaki, along with other benevolent higher dimensional beings and the Council of 12, are working in unison to bring our civilization and planet into higher states of consciousness.

Gilliland was interviewed by Alfred Lambremont Webre III and confirmed this writer’s belief that the ones who are running the shadow governments are the fallen Anunnaki who created religions to keep us in subservience, control and conformity.

The Return Of The Benevolent Races

According to Gilliland, the returning Anunnaki “are very benevolent.  They operate under Universal Law and they are calling these fallen ones (the ones who have kept us enslaved for millennia) before the council.  They will have to stand before this council and deal with what they have done that was out of alignment with Universal Law. They are also working with the Pleiadians, Andromedans, the Arcturians and the other beings in conjunction together to remove the fallen ones and the Reptilian alliance.”

The Collapse Of The Fallen Angels

Gilliland stated that Marduk brought in the reptilians and other malevolent groups in order to become the supreme leader of everything.

“At some of the height of these Illuminati rituals, they’re calling on these beings… these demonic or regenerative ET’s as well as these fallen Anunnaki for power, abilities or information.  That’s being removed.  Pretty soon, these guys are just on their own.  They’re just floundering right now.  That’s why everything is falling apart.”

In the upcoming year, Gilliland envisions an unraveling of “The Powers That Were” adding, “Basically, a lot of them are just puppets.  They’re just hosts for these darker energies and now that they’ve lost that connection, they’ve lost their power.  On their own, they’re just floundering.  They’re making all kinds of mistakes.  The masses are waking up and realizing what’s going on and are seeing this archon network for what it is.”

The Anunnaki are not only responsible for the enslavement of humanity but are behind many of the atrocities and crimes against humanity.

“What’s happening on the planet is inhuman with depleted uranium, the wars leveling whole cities, the GMO’s, the fluoride in the water, aspartame” along with the sterilization of humanity… “When you add this all together, there is a blanket effort to sterilize (humanity) and to turn humanity into sterilized zombie robot worker bees.”

Influx Of Incoming Higher Energies

Gilliland stated that our planet has been infused with numerous light-source energies which have expedited the awakening process magnanimously while taking down the dark energies who have been controlling us, including the darkness within all of us through the healing of old wounds, traumas, etc…

Higher Dimensional Help

According to Gilliland, higher 7th dimensional, 17 foot tall feline-like beings are here along with the benevolent Anunnaki, as well as 6th (panther-like) and 5th dimensional (cat-like) beings. Gilliland stated that these benevolent beings were the ones who were hovering over the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem and were responsible for changing the frequencies there along with resetting the grid to help the planet shift.

Jumping Into 5D

In essence, they are taking down the old grid while bringing in a new 5D grid that will help to transform most of humanity into higher dimensions of consciousness.  “Some people are going to go into 4D, some are going  to go into 5D.  It just depends on your consciousness and where you’re at when these energies press in.”

This is why it’s so important to continue working on raising your vibration. You can find out more about raising your vibration in this article: Why Raising Your Energy Vibration Is So Important

Those Who Will Get Left Behind

Gilliland stated that those who are living in lower vibrations “are not frequency specific to what’s happening or coming and they’re totally out of alignment with what’s happening.  This energy creates a quickening and an acceleration of the action/reaction of their karma.  It’s accelerated the stuff that’s hidden, it will come up to the surface.  They’re all going to be seen for what they are and what they’ve done.  That’s not going to be pretty in the end.  A lot of them, especially when they cross over, they’re going to have their life review.  They’re going to have to stand in front of some amazing light beings and review everything they’ve done to and feel the pain and suffering they’ve inflicted on others.  They’re in a no win situation.  They are so far out of alignment with Universal Law that’s coming to the Earth and they’re not in alignment with these energies coming in.”

In other words, everyone who is working against humanity’s best interests, such as “The Powers That Were” and perpetual thugs who hold us back as a loving, global civilization, will get left behind with one another.

How Can We Accelerate This Process?

Gilliland stated that it important to practice love and kindness.  In addition, we should use prayer, meditation and positive thoughts in allowing the higher vibrational forces to infuse the planet with these new energies. 

“If people just set time aside and prayed, set intentions or use meditation to focus on the world you would want to see, love, joy and bliss… and asking these higher dimensional beings for help, then they can come in, according to Universal Law, and assist us even more.  If we start asking for help and put the intention out there that we really need help to get through these times, we’re going to see some divine intervention that is just going to be incredible. If enough of us ask for help, we can put an end to the tyranny here.”

“The bottom line is that we just have to stop participating in anything that’s harmful to humanity and the Earth. Any organization that is not operating out of integrity and is not honoring the divine rights of everyone, (they) just need to walk away.”  This includes all people who work for companies that harm the planet and our air, water and food supplies.

The Old Ways Cannot Exist In The New Energies

It is through these inhuman acts that we are all waking up to the atrocities that we are all experiencing.  The old ways of doing things are not conducive to the new energies and will continue to crumble with Pluto in Capricorn until 2023. As stated many times on In5D, we will continue to see the collapse of money, government and religion.  This should be welcomed, not feared as these have all kept us in economic subservience and have prevented us from our true potential as individuals and as global communities.

Gilliland added that the density of the old ways cannot exist in the new energies, which means that we will see an end to all tyranny and oppression as soon as we can reach the critical mass of people needed to elicit help from our benevolent galactic neighbors, friend and family.

What we are seeing is a last ditch effort by the Powers That Were in trying to maintain their oppression over humanity and with these new energies, they are destined to fail, sooner than later.  Because of their lack of compassion for humanity, it is more than obvious that these were not terrestrial beings who were manipulating the planet, yet their human-based puppets are still trying to rule by the same oppression.  In the end, they will ALL be held accountable for their actions and will be left behind as the rest of the planet moves into a higher dimension of consciousness.

About the Author:
Gregg Prescott, M.S. is the founder and editor of In5D and BodyMindSoulSpirit. You can find his In5D Radio shows on the In5D Youtube channel. He is also a transformational speaker and promotes spiritual, metaphysical and esoteric conferences in the United States through In5dEvents. His love and faith for humanity motivates him to work in humanity’s best interests 12-15+ hours a day, 365 days a year. Please like and follow In5D on Facebook as well as BodyMindSoulSpirit on Facebook!

Massive December 2016 Solstice Energy Wave

Editor’s note:  Absolutely resonate with this piece – especially the “wired and tired” part.  Also experiencing the growing feeling of “the world is ending” – but not in a frightening manner – but more a sense of relief that finally – the shift is here.  The old is crumbling quickly and the new is rising as quickly.  Be well and blessings to you all.  ♥  

By Denise Le Fay, 12/20/2016


A friend emailed me this video today showing a massive, larger than usual and different sort of energy wave hitting earth and all of us now. Thanks for it Barbara.

I’m not familiar with the man who created this video—but thank you for it kind sir—and I thought it should be shared for anyone that’s been feeling extra terrible over the past four or five days. It might be time to re-read my earlier article about the energetic connection between December Solstice 2012 and December Solstice 2016.

I’ve been getting zapped (static electricity) constantly since December 17th. I’ve also been crying for no reason whatsoever off and on since about then too. Stomach/gut area bloated again and feeling half sick from eating much of anything. My hair has been looking and feeling like it’s lacking vital life-force again. Also I’ve had the old Ascension Flu aches, pains and chills again, constant inner ear ringing, HighHeart chest and back/spine pains, severe inner cold, super sensitivity to just about everything and everyone, feeling a strange emotional sensation of ‘Life on earth is ending now!’ type thing that I sense is literally pulsing around the entire earth repeatedly and many, many people are feeling this in varying degrees and not understanding it or why they’re feeling like they are. Also have felt ‘wired and tired’ over the past few days with daytime naps or decent night sleep practically nonexistent for the past five days or so.

That ‘Life on earth is ending now!’ sensation is due to our having reached the end of 2016’s 9 energies of completion at the December Solstice period (days before 12-21 and days after it) while we’re sailing through the Zero Zone of no time in between what’s ending and what’s starting to begin (2017 1 energies of NEW beginnings) at a much higher level. We knew all this and more was coming and, here it is!

Relax, self-care and release, release, release and hold open your HighHeart to receive, receive, receive more greater NEW. To hell with the old traditions/holidays, this is planetary and species-wide compressed evolution and further shifting into more of the NEW right here, right now. Trust it and release the old lower and hold open to receive, to embody the NEW higher and let your body move through the evolutionary DNA advances it’s experiencing now.

No fear, just more highly compressed evolution during this last December Solstice and Galactic Alignment completion that we will never experience again.

Denise Le Fay

Sourced from here.  

As We Shift – Partial Disclosure? 25 Reason To Just Say NO

Editor’s note:  Totally agree.  Partial disclosure?  Hell no.  That just perpetuates the lie that we aren’t Who We Really Are and are instead to remain “their” version.  Not acceptable in our reality.


This post is a response to a narrative out there.  It says that a full disclosure is not a good idea now, that somehow humans would be too shocked to function if they found out that:

  • Their governments have been lying to them about just, well, everything
  • There are many more races in the universe than have been suggested by anyone in an official capacity
  • These are not all nice and not all naughty – they are a mix
  • There are brutal factions in just about every race of life
  • These groups torture, rape, abuse and kill for fun and profit
  • These races do not exist to serve the human or exploit the human – they exist for their very own and various reasons
  • Free energy exists
  • Food replicators exist
  • Healing and complete rejuvenation of the physical form is possible
  • Some humans are aware of and utilize the technology for the 3 previous items
  • Money is  not necessary; it is a tool used to create a slave state
  • We are slaves, used in some cases for physical profit and in all cases for monetary gain and complete control
  • There are many thousands of slaves on and off planet right now
  • Vast amounts of your tax dollars pay for all of these things
  • All of your institutions are tools of control.  Their agendas and rules are set up by beings, many of them human. God had nothing to do with it
  • All of history is distorted, created even, to paint a picture that you are meant to believe and stake your life on.  This doesn’t mean it is true
  • You have been lied to
  • There is a lot more going on in space than you know, in every imaginable way
  • You have been experimented on
  • You are the most powerful beings in creation.  This is the reason for every previous item
  • You are powerful and unique because of what you were born with; your genetics and emotional capacity
  • Both of these things are more valuable to the controllers (the ones running this experiment on earth), than money
  • Your emotional energy is necessary as fuel for the life force of the controllers. Fear and terror produce the most powerful “food”
  • They (human and non-human controllers) are not sorry and do not care about your pain – they do not think about you as something to care about
  • Partial disclosure allows them to continue their slave trade and ownership agenda.  Full disclosure does not
  • They are trying to convince you to be happy with partial disclosure, (just as with every other mass media controlled event or war or inoculation or law or tax) for their own benefit
  • They do not (and will never) propose solutions for any reason that impedes their ability to continue. Remember this.
  • Partial disclosure perpetuates these lies

Continue reading “As We Shift – Partial Disclosure? 25 Reason To Just Say NO”