A Quantum Shower : Asking- “What’s Up With “That Event” Thing…


Editor’s note:  Ok, so I had to share this one.  I was resistant to listen – then hesitant – then while in the shower my Higher Self Soul say to listen – not to change my perspective/end desire – but to broaden and expand to allow more of this experience in.  I watched and I have expanded.  Let it go to let It flow.  And I have to laugh as this is another Soul who receives the message in the shower.  A beautiful message/experience.  And as I have come to feel now ~ this experience is coming and it will be an individual experience based on Who We Are and who we are.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]  I will note – along w/the message in this video – I am feeling less of a need to engage in the tech realm and if I could – right now – I would telepathically send these posts out.


A Quantum Shower : Asking- “What’s Up With “That Event” Thing…

Published on Mar 6, 2018


A Vision for Growth in Comfort


I love this one and have long resonated w/the concept that Soul Expansion never need to include pain, trauma, etc.  We are created to Experience, making us Grand Creator’s and in doing so, we honor the journey and experiences of others without attempting to control, intrude or power over.  (although unlike the words below, many of us do have memories ~ mental or cellular or both of living being and doing just as described – myself included)


The Vision Alignment Project

A Vision for Growth in Comfort

Today’s Vision comes to us from long time friend, Intender, and author, Robbie Atkins in Temecula, California. Robbie says: This came to me this morning as I was clicking in alignment with our daily messages.

We envision a world that believes we can grow, learn, and prosper on a soul level without conflict or challenge to our well being.  We have let go of the concept that these negative experiences are necessary for our growth patterns.  We have let go of the idea that these negative expressions are “human nature”.

We can “see” ourselves receiving our lessons in a pain free environment.  We see ourselves living full and successful lives, achieving the growth lessons we set out for ourselves, not without work, but certainly without undue stress and conflict.  We have come to believe that there is “enough” of everything we need to go around for all.  Enough food, water, shelter, joy, satisfaction, accomplishment, etc…enough for ALL.

We believe all these things even though we don’t have any living historical memory of such a time.  We see it as OUR vision…as the right time in the evolution of mankind.  We are ready.  We have arrived.

Indeed we have! Thank you, Robbie.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too! 
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the “YES!” Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments.



Guidance for the Wayshowers at this “time”


Editor’s note:  Posting this at 11:44.  I so much relate to this one and I hope it will inspire/fill-up some of you as well.  Last year while in meditation I was shown and heard “You are a Wayshower”.  I am not so much into labels but have appreciated that experience given the pieces I find on the term, which resonate fully.  I have become SO sensitive to the energies of others ~ more than I have before. We had 3 people over yesterday and I wanted none of them near me.  Not to be rude of course – it was purely an energy “thing”.  I am very tuned inwardly now and feel – KNOW – this is my truth and is serving a purpose.  Having read some other pieces about now being the time to GO DO and send out my energies to do this or that – which none of that resonates with me – the words below indeed resonate w/Who I Am.  I am now aware each of us are here for our own reason/purpose so not all words will resonate with everyone.  This IS a very individual process of transformation and awakening.  I will write up and share a piece later as to what I am “receiving” today about this process.  Lots of love and peace to every one of us…[wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]



At the exact point of the forthcoming ‘LIGHT WAVE’, certain humans will serve as energetic node points across GAIA. They are positioned accurately. As energetic nodes, their light will link up across the WHOLE of GAIA as a HUMAN GRID SYSTEM. They came in, this lifetime to do this, for humanity, for Gaia, her kingdoms, the solar system and beyond (ripple effect). They know who they are, they serve the WHOLE, period. So this post is specific to those individuals:

After recent Trigger Point (spurring the ‘loving detachment’ phase), came a rest period.

Now we enter a period of SELF CARE and CLEAR OBSERVATION MODE, in order to be at optimum frequency at the time of the ‘LIGHT WAVE’. It is essential (and you know it) for this period, or will very soon realise this within. Self care means caring for all our bodies:

Sleep needs, food and fluid needs, exercise needs, skin/muscle/blood/nerve needs (your body will tell you what is required).

We have already pulled away from much. Yet there is a paramount need for awareness in what we allow into our own time and space. What drains you? Who drains you? Be aware and take action for the highest good (the ALL). Being aware of outside forces draining our energy field is paramount to ensuring, holding, rising to our highest frequency possible NOW. When helping another, are you simply ‘feeding’ them or is the assistance serving the whole? Being drained down of your own energy when participating in other human contact is something to look into, at INNER level.

Our emotions are our indicator (gifted by our Higher Aspect), to show us how aligned we are in any one moment TO our Higher Aspect. There is a centralised point of balance, harmony, peace and bliss. There are energies either side of this serving as a barometer. Where some emotions are lower energy frequency and to the other side of the scale are higher energy bursts of frequency. The third dimensional construct labels human emotions, yet at their core truth, emotions are just energy at variable frequencies. It is essential at this time, pre-shift to observe our own frequency (via observation of our emotions), in order to adjust, work at, in order to BE the balance, BE the harmony, BE the peace, BE LOVE. And keep observing, keep adjusting back to central point of balance in these NOW times for we must BE the highest frequency at LIGHT WAVE, to serve as we intended to all along.

Work AS THE LIGHT BODY. For you are it NOW. You know that, so work as THAT for it is YOU. By now you know what to do from your inner guidance system. Connections increase and heighten now as intended per individual and their divine missions. It’s action time pre-WAVE. Gaia and her kingdoms, galactic, humans…are connecting NOW pre-Wave at increased levels, working together at energetic levels for the greatest good. As the human that connects the HUMAN GRID, you will be working (knowingly or unknowingly) with the other humans doing the same GRID task. This is focused work…be aware of anything ‘outside’ TRYING to distract away from this work.

Awareness in all moments now… up until LIGHT WAVE. Dark energy will try all methods to lower your frequency. They are aware of you. They will use whatever means, be it a sick relative, the elderly, friends, loved one, family, fellow Lightworkers and people just now awakening at this 11th hour who feel confused and panicked. Dark energies will LITERALLY use ANYONE with any weak spot they can enter. Use discernment and watch your own energies as a gauge. Guard your own energy with your own tools. The dark know what’s coming. So they will attempt to infiltrate the HIGH FREQUENCY humans who create the HUMAN GRID at LIGHT WAVE point, those that absorb the highest light on behalf of the ALL.

For these ‘humans’ (starseeds) with this pre-agreed task, we have now reached (or you will reach very shortly) Self Care Mode (not selfish care mode…huge difference). We continue to help others yet will have AWARENESS at this juncture. At this 11th hour, we NOW discern where help will or can be of benefit. Yet quietly knowing each are divine aspects of Source, each having THEIR individualised experience within the illusionary scenario, and knowing all ARE LOVED and cared for. Each human chose this planet, at this time, and ARE responsible for their OWN energy having chosen their current path at pre-birth stage. As Love for ALL we continue to assist, but not at the expense of the GREATER PICTURE, or the expense of the ENERGY we have thus embodied, continue to embody for we have come here to BIRTH NEW energy through our physical bodies on behalf of the UNIFIED FIELD of ONE.

Naturally, as we embody more energy and become heightened frequency beings, we are able to withstand greater, more powerful energies with each current and ongoing incoming wave. These current and timely incoming energies WILL ONLY become stronger in order to build up our human body’s physical and mental ability to withstand the LIGHT WAVE at the highest capable INPUT to the human vehicle. At LIGHT WAVE point, energies will enter through the human vehicle thus creating MULTIPLE (repeat, multiple) wave patterns within the whole physical body. So not just one wave pattern will be felt within the body. Currently, in REAL time, we are physically and etherically building to this ability with each incoming. Yes it is currently felt as strong multiple energy patterns in the head, and more recently lighter patterns are being felt within the rest of the body…however, as a guide…the nearer to the LIGHT WAVE we get, the clearer and STRONGER the HEAD and BODY multiple patterns will be. We build, we withstand, we take it…because we can.

Starseeds…We came in to do this…it IS our mission. So NOW, we build ourselves, retain our highest frequency at all times, regardless. Use discernment, maintain your own frequency. It’s very much the time to be CLEAR about this.

So much love, honour and respect.

AL 05/03/18

Sourced from here.

Restructuring DNA


This is beautiful, powerful and helpful.  [wp-svg-icons icon=”heart-2″ wrap=”i”]


March 3, 2018

The Energy Therapists

Enlightened Being, Energy Being:

The shift is imminent.

You may feel changes in your physical body.

You may feel foggy in your mind.

You may feel like you are not yourself or that your human body is different or changing.

You are right. We are in the process of changing, shifting and altering your DNA.

You will start to see visions.

You will start to experience vivid dreams.

You will start to receive information in different ways than you have before.

We are here to help you. We are here to guide you.
We are here to assist you. We are here to connect you to what you have been before.

It’s there.

It’s here.

We are going to bridge the gap for you so that you can level up and make the shift.

Be aware of the information you receive in your dreams.

Be aware of when you get information.

There may be times when you receive downloads at certain times of the day or when you are doing something. You may start to receive downloads as you get in the shower every morning. You may start to receive downloads when you first lay down at night. You may receive downloads in your dreams.

Pay attention.

There will be information encoded into your dreams, into messages numbers and into repeating patterns you see.

These encoded messages will help you navigate this new journey.

These encoded messages are helping to restructure your DNA.

These encoded messages contain information that will help you become a beacon for other light beings.

You may want to journal. You may want to record, and you may want to start to discuss your messages with others.

We are here to help, and we are here to take you to the place you were before so that you can release rejuvenate, and revive the celestial cosmos.

Be Present Energy Being, Be Present Enlightened One.

Guidance to Help the Process of DNA Restructure

Get into a comfortable position whether it is sitting, laying down or standing up. You may want to be close to a chair in case you need to suddenly sit down.

Imagine a spiral of energy just outside of your body, swirling in a gentle counterclockwise direction.

Pay attention to the colors, images, light patterns and sparks that are both contained and given off while the energy is swirling.

Allow the spiral to collect and remove all the information, feelings and emotions that do not resonate with your higher self.

As the spiral removes all of the things that do not resonate, gently allow the spiral slowly to enter your body in clockwise position. This will integrate the light particles, the love and the essence into your physical, spiritual and emotional being that will elevate you, rejuvenate and revive you.

As you begin to feel the energetic shift in your body. Surrender to the restructuring and altering process of your DNA as it occurs.

Breath slowly and deeply during this process until a calmness has washed over your body. This is when the process is complete.

This process is helping you to prepare for Ma’at Ra – Heart Healing Therapy which will be released in the near future.

Sourced from here.



Blossom Goodchild ~ Information on the Event



Hello! Last week we were unable to connect. This week I FEEL we are ready to go. The Energy with ‘us’ is very strong right now. Shall we?

Let us firstly acknowledge the growth within each individual reading this. For the ‘level’ of ‘Enlightenment’ that is … upon/within … so many now, enables us to bring messages through on a Higher Vibration than before. This is most encouraging and in its rightful place.

We know, without you having to ask, that you wish to speak of THE EVENT.

Yes. There seems to be a ‘buzz’ once again, some saying it is about to happen ‘soon’. I laugh of course, at even writing that word! A few sources saying it is this month. Do we ‘go there’ again? Will you speak of it and then with all respect … it will die down, as it always has? What would you say about this? My thoughts were, that if it is to happen any time soon, you might have mentioned it in passing!!??

We are more than happy to speak of it for it is indeed, ever closer/nearer.

Your Planet has reached a position … in which/by which … the recommendation for fulfilling Change has been accepted, approved, ticked and put in the out-tray!

Without question there seems to be upheavals mixed with moments of clarity, within everyone’s daily lives. Many are FEELING so strongly that something is about to happen. Yet, have we not been down this path before … many, many times? Although, each time … this FEELING  just gets stronger and stronger. Surely the cork has to pop at some point?

We would say that the ‘pressure’ has built up to such a degree that the cork is beginning to ‘release’ in order to break free. We CANNOT and WILL NOT give a date in time. All we can say is that a phenomenal Event is to occur.

So, with the greatest respect … nothing new there then!

Only in that, the FEELING that so many are experiencing is the level in which ‘Everything is occurring’.

I get what you are saying, yet, could I ask you to ‘word’ it better, for readers to understand?

Within the Oneness of ALL … which naturally you are part of … the FEELING of ‘where things are at’ is BEING expressed WITHIN YOU. Within your body, within your thoughts, within your experiences.

Transfer this then, into what is taking place on a global scale. Should we put it as … a ONE in consciousness? Then add to that … … … this is rather difficult to put into actual wording … THE EVENT that is coming … BEING … within/a part of … that same consciousness. So that, WHAT YOU ARE FEELING/EXPERIENCING is the level of readiness … for which /in which … THE EVENT can come about.

We are trying our best.

I know.

The cork about to pop … regarding WHEN The Event shall occur … is also WITHIN YOU! So, if YOU are FEELING within your soulself that you are about to ‘pop your cork ‘ … this is because YOU are FEELING/BEING PART OF/IN TUNE WITH … THE EVENT.

Do you see?

Yes, I do. So, this that so many are FEELING now … is because we are also ‘part of’ the Energy of the Event that is on its way? This FEELING of expectancy … is because WE can FEEL it coming?

This is so, and yet … can you put a time frame on this expectant feeling?

No. It’s a bit like the tail end of a pregnancy ( so to speak ). In that, you KNOW that baby will arrive ‘soon’ and yet in ‘ITS’ Divine timing. Yet, that KNOWING … that TRUTH is with you all the time … waiting, waiting, waiting. Is this feeling just within the Awakened ones?

Yes. And, the level in which one has Awakened to … deciphers the level of expectancy one is FEELING. The Higher the ENERGIES one has … allowed/built up to … the more in tune they are with the immense Energies that are pouring … in/through … to your Planet.

The ENERGY that this EVENT carries is beyond comparison to anything you have experienced or will remember experiencing throughout your many lifetimes upon Earth. This is why EVERYTHING is so … as we say … ‘Topsy Turvy’. 

There is such POWER involved in this ‘Happening’. We would say that it could ‘black the Planet out’ for a ‘short time’ as the surge of ‘electric energy’ bolts through.


You will wake into A NEW DAWN.

And this EVENT will be taking place within the Skies?

Initially … as the outward appearance … and yet, ultimately it shall be taking place within the heart.

I guess the thing is, even though we have this FEELING as if the cork is indeed about to pop … in ‘no time’ … this FEELING could go on for a few more years?

Yet, it won’t!

WOW!  That came through loud and clear.

These coming times are your destiny. These coming times are why you are here.

Hold on tightly to that which you KNOW to be TRUTH.

So, going back to the last few of your communications. You have said that these times ahead are going to prove to be really ‘tricky’ and more or less that ‘The system’ will fall down … and that those awake will be needed to guide unawakened soul’s through, for so many will be lost. How does this … tie … up with /in with … THE EVENT? In other words, what comes first the chicken or the egg?

Already your system is falling. We would put it in a way … that a few books are jumping off the library shelfs … intermittently.  More and more will do so … until almost every book has ‘abandoned ship’ and the entire structure collapses and crumbles. 

Coupled with THE EVENT ‘showing up’ … as part of THE DIVINE PLAN … THE DIVINE ADVENTURE …

All of which you cannot give a time frame to?

All of which you can FEEL IN THE CORE OF YOUR BEING.

You also spoke of our ‘gifts’ coming from deep within to help with this system collapse. What sort of gifts are you talking about?


And offer what?

Healing. Instantaneous for self and others. Compassion, Forgiveness. These are gifts long forgotten by many. Do not just think of ‘gifts’ as Magical Happenings. REMEMBER too, the gifts of the soul in/as/through/of Love.

Intuition shall be heightened beyond recognition of the old self.

Please explain ‘old self’.

The ‘You’ before The Change.

Are you saying THE CHANGE (that you have also, often spoken of) is THE EVENT?

YES. For,when we used the words ‘a wash’ … we meant that also, in the manner of a GREAT CLEANSING shall take place … FOR ALL.

Remembering too , that although Vibrational levels shall rise enormously because of this occurrence … one who is not awake … will awaken. Yet, not ‘suddenly’ become of a Vibrational level of say … one who has been ‘involved’ in the Awakening of the Planet for many life times. Their level of Vibration will too, be unrecognisable. Yet, within that ‘unrecognising’ there will be such familiarity!

This is why we are asking you ALL to ‘STEP UP YOUR GAME’ … within THE GAME.

Prepare! Prepare! Prepare Dearest Souls … for THE GREATEST SHOW ON EARTH.

Continue reading here.  


Sophia Love ~ Some Info on the Event


Received via e-mail.

March 1, 2018

Is there someone who wants to connect?

There is. It is I. It is One.

Thank you for coming forward.

There are things to say.

Yes. Please go ahead.

This event approaches your shores very rapidly now and you feel it. There are storms of energy. They intersect and intervene with other storms, creating an energetic avalanche. This is the feeling you have.

You cannot see it yet. You see evidence of it in your lives and media. You feel it in your unsettled moments. This will culminate in a cascade of color and light. The occurrence of this cascade is your signal that it has begun.

What exactly has begun?

The one-way journey taking you to another place. This place will be of your choosing.

Most of you have chosen already. What you see and feel now are the results of that choice.

This catalyzing event happens now.

Please be more specific. When exactly is now?

Now is a precise instant chosen by your central sun in cooperation with Gaia. Understand the effect the human has on this. You are not separate, but a part of Gaia. You, as a collective, skew and shape and direct and accelerate and slow down her progression and evolution. Each as components of the One.

As you recently found out, Sophia, your lengthy illness has manifested in your hair and recognized by one (who was) without prior knowledge of the illness at all.
(Note – My stylist asked me what was wrong with me, just last week, as she was cutting my hair. I had not told her anything. Sophia)

This is how oneness operates.

The impending event is a mutually driven one. The humans can speed its arrival with preparation, with readiness. It has been deemed that it will occur with the least damage and the maximum benefit. Trust that this is so.

An exact day can only be estimated – it is seen to approach rapidly and expected within weeks. Humans can change this, as can Gaia. Is this clear?

It is, yes.

This incoming celestial manifestation will take you all to another place. This place will be either wonderful or uncomfortable, according to your choice and preparation. You will decide alone.

Some will leave, either in body or not. Most of you have already decided. As is always the case, what this looks like for you will depend on your level of awareness and acceptance.

This is something new. All of you will know when it happens. There will be no mistaking it.

There is nothing to be fearful of.

All of you know on some level what this means. It was always part of this life’s journey you are taking.

It is not the end of this life, yet it represents actual, physical alteration of this life.

Of our physical bodies?

Some of you will choose to exit when or as it occurs. This is rare.

The alteration is within.

As it is in every case, the changes within then manifest in your world. More light will emanate as your frequency has been accelerated. Your systems of control will disintegrate in this frequency. These include monetary, government, educational, health – all pseudo societal necessities will be removed and/or restructured.

What about the earth, and physical changes there?

Some places on the earth will shift. There will be calamity (perceived) and loss (perceived). This will not occur immediately at the moment of the approaching event – but soon after.

As your world appears to dissolve in chaos, it is important for you to recognize that a new world is coming right behind it. It already exists actually.

Your participation with this new world will color how it looks.

This is about the blind men discussing and describing an elephant. Where they stand determines what they feel and then describe.

This holds true for all of you, Sophia.

Your new world is waiting. Embrace whatever part you are close to and allow the whole to present itself. It will. You do not have long to wait.

It is no longer you are the ones you’ve been waiting for – but

You are the ones. You have anchored the light. It is done.

Thank you.

Goodbye Sophia. Well done.
Wow, wow, wow. I am already in a new place as this was received and now recorded. Unpack your bags and put your hands in the air folks, I feel that we have boarded the ride, are sitting at the top of the first loop, and the operator is reaching for the switch to begin our trip!
This is a free publication so please share!

One day is set aside each month for questions.
Send any questions for  any one of these beings to me at sophia@sophialove.org
My blog is always free & found here

Most Powerful Shifts Taking Place ~ The 5th Dimension Now


By L’Aura Pleiadian

ALL Night long…could not move as event after event unfolded. My room shifted and changed to the Dimension I was experiencing..

Shifts began as I found my phone time changing time again and then I was catapulted into Being in the center of the Universe as it was being birthed into existence.

The Events Last Night were beyond what could be imagined. The world of energy as Light and Frequency is merging the 5th Dimension in consciousness HERE ~ now ~ at an increased rate of frequency.

You may call this an accelerated momentum, beyond anything previously imagined.

When Myself from the 5th Dimension in the NEW Earth appeared to me, which I here, usually visit there…(as I do all dimensions) the news was, the form here is taken care of as the final merging takes place.

One could say my future self visited me. I have experienced this throughout my so-called time on earth. The other worlds., higher dimensions and what would be  considered the past (in time) I would go to and enter, as if now. Because it is all now.

I have had constant physical phenomenon show me that the results and impacts of these visitations, impacted all the dimensions and shifted things here. In the physical.

It is easy to understand when you come from the foundational energy it is all Light. It is all connected. There is no time. That it is all connected NOW with no limitation.

The energetic influence of what takes place, through the shifts in awareness within, impacts and shifts matter, consciousness everywhere.

Here we are ~ on the verge of all NOW Newness.

Continue reading here.