The latest insights from The Cats (these are good & very aligning!)


So….last night I was guided to check out the latest Cats intel.  I hadn’t been there in awhile but still…. I dismissed the inner hunch. Then Sister Pat writes me tonight suggesting I check out their latest material – in particular their feel that they won’t “be here” for the election – something MANY of us have already been feeling (and wow did that energy take a turn today in a more intense level – and considering last night our attempts to watch the debate were completely blocked and today I have ZERO desire to tune in and rewatch or check out what I missed, I would say the election just won’t be in our experience.  There – I said it.)  Anyway….linking their two latest which I am finding resonating with my heart quite nicely.  “Christmas in October”.  I love the idea that everyone gets the chance to play “wake up/catch up” – something I have long felt (other than the evil – that goes to its own space – which I continue to hope for full recycling/healing of that consciousness). I am quite open to the idea of an adjustment to the New period. Last week I was telling my mate that I had the feeling we – certainly me – would likely need an adjustment period.  Even if we have another body waiting for us on the outside that we rejoin – an adjustment period – real healing regrouping – will be necessary.  I am just going to share the links for you to check out – take in.  I feel they are quite spot-on with their latest insights.  Love to you all ~ Victoria 


The One You’ve Been Waiting For ~ [UPDATE4]

Heads-Up. Buckle Up. ~ [UPDATE6]

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

6 thoughts on “The latest insights from The Cats (these are good & very aligning!)”

    1. this was so great! thank you Victoria for sharing this woman’s YT last week so I could check this out. I appreciate that she also made a shorter video yesterday unpacking and recapping this session, for those that may not have the time to watch the full session.

  1. Glad to see that you’ve been brought up to speed w/ the Cats. I guess I should have mentioned to you earlier to tune in to the Cat action, but figured you’d get there when appropriate. As a daily contributor to the Cat chat I gotta’ say congratulations to US, one and all!!! Yaaay! Hugs, J

  2. Wow! Big thank you for that, that sooooo resonates with me! Love you,thank you, greatest respect!

  3. Thanks for referencing TheCats blog. Somehow with the general squirreliness (spelling?) afoot and living in Sonoma County, CA where we’ve been dealing with evacuations for 4 years, I spaced checking their Updates and well-spoken whimsy. Just the thing I needed.

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