1/25 ~ Today’s Reflection


These energies are AMAZING and are really making it easier for me to “trust in thyself”.  Insights are coming in quicker now and more of them.  Before I share, I wanted to share something heard on the local Public Broadcast Station.  lol  It was quite humorous.

So – some caller calls in.  He was not a Trump supporter.  However he was questioning Biden and “Who the H is this guy?  He doesn’t even know what Executive Orders he is signing!”  He went on to talk about him being a Liberal and Trump an “Authoritarian” – however he said maybe we really “need someone like Trump”.

The awakening among ALL is happening.  Sister D said she could really “feeeeel” the Biden supporters waking up.  I feel that too now.

Last night I was reflecting on this realm and how “they” interfered with everything.  E V E R Y T H I N G was compromised – not just our DNA and physical vessels.  Our numbers and colors and animals.  Our spiritual practices and our ways of learning.  How we “govern”.  The food and air and water.  The way we transport ourselves.  The homes we live in.  I could “see” the spells in my mind – how they transformed it all from OUR Original to theirs.

Today I was feeeeeeling into the plan.  There are some saying “something happened” to put a stopper on the plan (temporarily).  This opinion is coming from those who claimed to have inside knowledge and were sharing intel as to how this would play out and instead of admitting their “truth” was just an opinion – instead of dropping their ego and owning up to the fact that NO ONE knows the details of this plan except for those IN ON it – and saying “i. was. wrong.” they are instead continuing to spin the narrative that “something happened.  Something went wrong.”

I am not feeling that one bit.  Heaven/Home/The Alliance (inside the realm and outside) is NOT going to give us dates or explicit details on this plan. Guidance and prompts and encouragement and nudges to “check here check there” to allow us to put together SOME kind of a puzzle, yes.  But the entire puzzle?  NO.  This is a covert operation and has to remain as such for OUR PROTECTION and as such, no explicit details of the plan will be shared. Plus for those operating this plan on the inside of the realm, there’s this little thing called “treason” which is what you get slapped on you if you leak classified information.

So yes – many of us expected something to happen at the inauguration or in the days before.  And what we hoped for didn’t transpire. And I was so let down for a bit.  But does that mean something went wrong?  No.  Does that mean we were all fooled?  No.  At this point there are so many truths coming out to show us all not only what is happening but WHY it had to happen in the way it is.  

As one who has always been tuned into that intuitive etheric (woo woo) realm, I now understand why I haven’t been able to fully see HOW this will play out.  That ability has had to be blocked in order for our liberation to be successful.

Common sense.  Logic.

I think the Awakening is still going to impact every one of us for it is not yet quite done.  As that song line goes “You ain’t seen nuthin’ yet.”  What will continue to be revealed, I feeeeel, will be shocking and yet liberating, humorous to many and will truly lead to that New World Q has referred to and what millions of us have felt/seen for years…..decades.  (Have I mentioned here how tired I am of waiting??  HA)

So don’t walk away.  Don’t quit.  THE BEST IS YET TO COME.




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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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