3/16 Finds


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Ok this one’s causing a lot of controversy – a lot of chatter – a lot of questioning.  Totally understandable.  Here are some comments I am seeing:


for me, this is causing much confusion. I am standing firm in not getting the jab..but many…I mean many family, friends and co workers that are very loyal Trump supporters (live in Florida) are getting it…they trust him. we are told to be very cautious of the jab, stand our ground, research, etc……I understand he created a plan to calm down the majority of ppl…try to end this covid crisis….open the country back, get us going….i thought in the beginning it was a placebo..therapeutic of sorts…… but now? i personally don’t know anyone that has been sick or worse after getting it.besides a sore arm.  what part of the plan is this?

It has caused confusion for many, I have seen Trump supporters give up on him because of his push for the jab (regardless of what he ‘may’ really be talking about)…. Ive seen others now wanting the jab now he has been pushing it.  Now 23 countries have halted the Astra Zeneca jab because of blood clot problems and that has hit MSM, maybe more people will do research before getting it.


OMG are some of y’all even patriots?! This “I give up.” “Trump is blackmailed!” “That’s it, I’m giving up.” shit is for the birds.

I get it, you’re impatient and for good reason — had you REALLY learned the comms you’d get it.


Do you really believe intervention will happen over free will?


A DEFCON 1 DIRECT THREAT sure will get them acting though.

Patience. Calm. Meditate. Ground. Pray. Do what you need to do to think clearly, see vividly and understand certainly.


This interview wsa shocking and I disagree w/ him even having an imput. He’s NOT here and has not been, has no idea what they have put into them. I expected him to say, it’s time to open up USA, it’s been over a year, virus is GONE like all of them are, open everything put kids back into school, let’s go. This was very disturbing at many levels, especially since Dr. Fraudchi stated that he should get his supporters to take this vaccine, which is all about MONEY and Bill Gates version of depopulation. No one should take this vaccine, no one healthy should put any medication into their bodies. And we have seen deaths and side effects, He also stated it’s 95% safe, while President he had a higher rate of “success”.  I wonder if someone has blackmailed him or if he is ever coming back, did not sound like it here, and photos of him show a retired ex President all done w/ the job. I hope I am wrong. I pray I am wrong, but this interview was heartbreaking.


Optics? IMHO… Yes!  10min 18 sec into vid, Trump: “I would, and I would recommend it to a lot of people that don’t want to get it…and a lot of those people voted for me frankly, but you know again we have our freedoms and we have to live by that and I agree with that also…”
Critical thinking required here. We are at war. Might the warp-speed vax be optics for the sheeple? Those that would find peace from the constant state of fear mongering/programming promoted by our fake media might need something. Suicide rates are high. Who controls the media?
Where is the rational to get a vax for something that has a 99.xx recovery rate. From a industry that promotes population control and planned this whole pandemic. Promoted by an industry that censors. truth?
The Rna vax is experimental. We are at war. Let that sink in.

And this last one – which is a thought I had earlier as I was washing the dinner dishes.  When I first heard these words – I was pissed.  I was disheartened.  Why would he go on FOX?  But then I calmed myself – something within was still calm.  This is war.  At every level.  What if this wasn’t Trump?  What if this was all manipulated?  A double?  Someone imitating his voice?  Someone messing with the audio in some way?  What if this was a DEEP FAKE video?  We will see…..I continue to have eyes on and question everything and TRUST MYSELF – that place within – which is still calm.  I still want to know – why did he push the vax – fast-tracked it.  Comms perhaps – but that f’ing vax was still released and it is harming and killing people and THAT – I will never align with.  War is horrible.  And so has been the experience here.  

Why are you all assuming that these are Trump’s words? Did we not just hear for two days straight that Trump’s call with Raffensperger was edited and manipulated to put forth a false agenda? Did the Washington Post just admit to lying and changing the content of that phone call for their story? Do you not find the timing coincidental? Why would you believe this? They could fake moon landings in the 1960’s, but can’t fake an audio recording in 2021? Hmmmmm….  Now, MSM is running with the phone call and shouting from the rooftops “Trump says to take the shot”. Since when has the MSM promoted anything Trump says? Something fishy here?
Why is MSM saying in their articles that Trump and Melania took the vaccine back in January. Trump was still in office at that time. Don’t you think Trump would have mentioned that himself? THEY ARE LYING!!!!!
How awake are we really?

Trump Breaks His Silence On The Vaccine, Addresses Anti-Vaxxers


Moving on to other intel….


NEW MONKEY WERX (more unusual activity):

Monkey Werx Overwatch SITREP 3 16 21


3.16.21 Patriot Streetfighter POST ELECTION UPDATE #63: Attack on KZ Mafia Leadership Intensifies


Deep State Monsters at it in IDAHO:

CALL TO ACTION – Need support for RIGHTS VIOLATION in Boise. Ammon Bundy & Aaron Schmidt appeared at the Ada County Courthouse on 3/15 for their trial for their bogus trespassing charges, from when they were at the capitol for Idaho’s special session in August. Ammon & Aaron were denied entry to the courthouse for their trial because they would not wear a mask. Judge Manweiler then charged them with failure to appear and issued warrants for their arrest. They were arrested and taken to Ada County Jail, where they have been held in a very cold holding cell with no socks or shoes. Because Ammon and Aaron will not allow the guards to strip them down naked, as it goes against their religious beliefs, the guards have refused to book them or put them in a regular cell. The jail lied to Aaron’s wife and told her that her husband had been booked and was in a normal cell, while refusing to let Aaron use the phone to call her. She discovered the next day that they had lied to her and that he had not been booked at all and was still being held in a very cold cell, where they banged on the door every 15 minutes through the night, so that he could not sleep.

Peoples Rights needs boots on the ground in Boise to show support at the jail; at the courthouse, as there are other cases going on as well; to protest in front of Judge Manweiller’s house; and possibly a couple of other places.

Peoples Rights also needs people to contact the 4th Judicial District Court to express grievances and demand these men be released from jail; the Idaho Supreme Court to demand that the mask mandate be dropped, so that the people of Idaho have equal access to our courts & legal process; the Ada County Jail to show support & concern for Ammon and Aaron, to remind them that these men have not been convicted of any crime, and to keep pressure on them to treat our men humanely and like the innocent men that they are.

These men are fighting to preserve OUR RIGHTS. Their rights being openly violated like this puts us ALL AT RISK. We need to hold our state government accountable to the rule of the law.

Ada County Courthouse: 208-287-6900, adacourt@adacounty.id.gov

Judge Manweiller Fax#: 208-287-6919

Supreme Court Judge Bevin (the one who did the mask mandate): 208-334-2246

Idaho Supreme Court: 208-334-2210, suggestions@idcourts.net

Ada County Jail: 208-577-3000

Ada County Prosecutor: adacountyprosecutor@adacounty.id.gov

Shortened video of arrests here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jn9G00hxlKg



Habbenings & Qomms!🍿

-Statement by President Trump.
-Statement by DeSantis released by Trump.

-Dan & Trump in the “White House”.
Vernon refers to Trump as “the President”.
Flynn rocking a WWG1WGA bracelet.

-Myanmar seizes Soros bank accounts.

-Scavino Comms: TS 8:17.
Who do you think is leaking the info?
We are taking actions behind the scenes

Invert/Mirror 817 as shown in plane.
817 = 718
Q718: Starts with 71, 187.
Mirror 71=17.
Coincidence that this drop starts with mirror references?
187 are the same numbers used for the original drop 817, & 718, coincidence?
187 = Murder

-Pompeo Comms: Calling out the D’s and Pelosi, who is threatening to overturn the results.
TS 11:04.
Q1104: The stage had to be set.

-DoD Comms:
Patience is Key.
Patience isn’t always easy, but vital to get right.
Queen/monarch seeking shelter (spooky how ‘Abolish the Monarchy’ is trending).






Judicial Watch: Federal Court Slams Potentially Illicit Sales of Body Parts of Aborted Fetuses – Orders Release of Additional Information on Organ Purchases




2 dead after massive firework explosion rocks Ontario, California neighborhood


And the purpose of this getting worse is WHAT exactly again?  If this (ridiculous) theory is “to awaken more” – I am going to unite with my tribe upon exiting this pit and we will go nuclear on those who pushed that narrative….

EXCLUSIVE: NYC Judge Removes 6-Year-Old From Mother Because She Didn’t Wear a Mask While Dropping Her Off at School


BREAKING: Judge Rules MI Sec. of State Benson Directed City Clerks to Ignore Signature Matching Law on Absentee Ballots in Nov. 2020 Election






THIS is what it is going to take:
JB – hand goes through mic….fake fake fake continues….

We will be opening the first safe house in the country for young men coming out of sex trafficking.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “3/16 Finds”

  1. I saw an article yesterday..maybe two..on the ‘migrant detention center’ in Texas that was at 700% capacity and the kids were hungry sleeping on the floor..and Byedone was going to move 3,000!!!!!!!!! teenagers!!!!!!! of these illegal migrants to another detention center in another town!!! to ‘help’ with overcrowding…my first thought..there will be a steady ‘supply’ to refill the ‘dumbs’..if this is allowed to continue.

  2. Find it interesting that a Gateway Pundit writer describes Veritas as ‘a far rightwing guerrilla group’ … I suspect her assertion that she used to be a lefty supporter is a lie – she still is.


    Breitbart has the same types working for them too.

    Words matter…

  3. The Trump vaccine thing could be so many things. I’m a Trump supporter and I still won’t take it. Assuming that was really him endorsing it, why? Who is he talking to? His usual audience or others? Is he trying to reach an audience who otherwise wouldn’t have listened to him? What kind of effect might it have to put a wedge in that consciousness doorjamb? Laying groundwork for the future? Or simply a lie made up by the demons. I’m still not getting the vax.

  4. They are still at it attacking the state of Texas as punishment of some sort. First it was the unusual storms, flooding, and now it’s this invasion from the south.

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