A little intel on the fires showing up on those government maps


Something about this didn’t sit right with me – all of these fires that some channels are sharing.  There seems to be an assumption they are all current.

They aren’t.

Go here and just click on any of the fire icons.  MANY (if not most) of these are prescribed burns and many that are wildfires have been contained.  Some of the wildfires are from last year too.

So while there was that out of control brush fire in NJ and there are/were some red flag warnings (here) (here)  – and some small brush fires in those red flag areas (which is pretty strange for this time of year – something to keep eyes on) – the images being shared are NOT all current fires burning which showed what looked to be like an inferno throughout parts of the U.S.

That “fake snow” we saw people sharing on the east coast (lighting on fire) could very well be a culprit for what we have seen on the east coast this month.  So as I said above – eyes on.

I continue to pray for PROTECTION for ALL from any doings of malintent – weather and otherwise.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “A little intel on the fires showing up on those government maps”

  1. Yes…the stratospheric injections were always about weather mod. Particular remnants –which include aluminum (and barium) are flammable. The image I get is that homo saps are akin to pests: so fumigate and innoculate and depopulate. I know it’s an ugly detail–but ignore-ance is not bliss either.

  2. The ‘pussy grab’ tape I have always thought as a fake – someone impersonating Trumps voice (like Alex Baldwin, who spent 4 years doing exactly that…)

    The phone call – another manipulation… do we know it was even Trump speaking?

    If they can fake Biden in the White House, they can manipulate a broadcast…

    I think there will come a moment when the Patriots ‘in control’, will have us cut the ties to Trump… because we have to do this freedom thing, as individuals, as sovereign beings, not as led slaves, as followers.

    As humans we are each kings and queens in our own created reality… we do not need to exist in a reality created by another, or be forced to create the reality another chooses.

    The evil ones have trained us to be herd animals… but in reality, we are not, we are individuals, we just have to remember that.

    Have you ever seen ‘Life of Brian’, by the Monty Python Team? I consider it to be the pinnacle of their achievement…

    There is a scene where Brian addresses a crowd that has decided HE must LEAD them… Brian says, ‘You are all individuals!!’ The crowd chants back ‘We are all individuals!!’ Brian continues, ‘You don’t NEED to follow anyone, you must do it for yourselves!!’

    This scene has stuck in my head… I believe it is significant, truth presented as humor. The Pythons we all classically educated – intelects educated before the rise of the lefts ‘mushbrain educational system’ was implemented. The Pythons understood that humanity was being groomed to accept a life that was not its natural state.

    We must find the strength to over come the programming of a lifetime (I wonder if the covid isolation has been used to help break people away from the reliance on the herd… using evils weapon against them.)

    I still think Trump is on the side of good, and, that he is now weaning us off of reliance on a ‘leader’, and ‘groupthink’, like a parent weaning the child off reliance on them, setting the now adult free to live without having to check in every 5 min. with them for instruction.

    I’ll tell you what this also makes me think of…

    A few years ago, a stray cat and her 3 kittens appeared in our doorstep after a wildfire raced through our area (the vegetation around the house was burned, but, because we have a goodly firebreak of gravel, the house was untouched).

    We took them all in, much to the surprise of our two house cats. We kept them separate while we cleared up all the parasites and allowed the mother to wean her kittens.

    That process was interesting.

    Initially when a kitten wanted to feed, she would settle on her side and comply. Then as time went on, she stopped doing this, she would move away – no drama, just move away.

    The kittens were very persistent, but, she was consistent in her message “you do not need this now, you can feed yourself”. Over, and over, and over…

    Eventually, the kittens all ate dried food, and stopped bothering her for milk.

    She was a loving and protective mother, but, she was also giving instruction and providing them the tools to go out on their own.

    We had them all fixed, and the Humane Society adopted all the kittens out. We kept the mother, and she integrated with our house cats, never needing litter training, (she grasped the concept the first night) for about 9 months. But, she was an outdoor cat, and did not enjoy being indoor only, she enjoyed her freedom. We let her go out when she wanted. One night, she presented us with her latest kill, a baby rabbit – then we never saw her again.

    I suspect a neighbors dog, or a coyote got her… but, she could also have been weaning US from reliance on her company, because she had her life to live, and wanted to go back to it.

    Trumps words could have been him starting the process of weaning us from reliance on him.

    We need to act as informed individuals, not a led herd, being told what to do, to think, to say… to BE.

    For some reason Ancient Egypt is much on my mind these days.

    Akhenaten, and the powerful priests he excommunicated… people who, I think, have continued to bear an all consuming need for revenge, down through the ages…

    They want to return to that times arrangement, slaves and peons, controlled by the god king, and THEIR group controlling HIM.

    I guess cats are also connected, being worshipped by Egyptians as gods… Then there is that joke, we still “worship cats, and write on walls” – heck, we still use hieroglyphs (emojis)!

    Time to grow away from the need to be herd animals, I think.

    1. there is truth in that. and yet – how do each of us on our own remove the evil? how do we walk away from pay to live and survive? how do we heal our bodies when the only affordable options for most are crap? when you are in such a situation – with controls at every level – you can stand and fight back all you want but that does not stop the system from destroying your life or blocking you.

      1. Indeed, everyones situation is different. We are all still learning to stand up for ourselves, against those who wish to keep us dependant on them, and their power.

        It will be a process, and it has to have a beginning…

        I think Trump saying have the vax if you want, or do not if you want, is part of that process of beginning.

        What those clearing up the evil do not want is for us to celebrate being freed of the controllers in one generation – just to put ourselves back into the controllers hands in the next.

        If they do NESARA, get rid of the Fed, clean out all the corrupt politicians and systems – we will be left, I think, with local governance – somewhat like the Old West – but on a much bigger scale.

        We will all need to become more engaged in running our communities, to prevent corruption taking over again.

        Maybe we will become enlightened, all at once, and realize that we can create the lives we want, and do not need government.

        It maybe that the process of becoming that next evolutionary being, requires us to become independent of the system, weaned off it, and with the clean start we are being given glimpses of, we can do that.

        If our next evolutionary step means we control where we go, how we get there, and what happens when we get there, there will be no fear, because we will control the variables.

        As beings only just awaking to these ideas of freedom, we still hang on to our old ways.

        I think this is what we will now have to come to terms with, that
        with complete freedom, comes complete responsibility.

        I think we will be offered a clean slate, at the end of this beginning process…

        At the end of I Pet Goat, II, the awakened, freed being, (he removes his barbwire bond, over his third eye, by a thought alone), contemplates the horizon, ablaze with the light of Source, the last pyramids crumble as Source destroys them…

        I like to think this will be our futures, an infinite horizon of possibilities.

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