3/7 Reflection (where am i again?)….Some finds….


Anyone else wondering where you are now?  I haven’t been able to feel stable/grounded today.  This whole “whatever it is playing out experience” has gone to another level of ridiculous and I feel more detached.  Is that possible?  Sleep last night was off even though I drifted into a nice cbd/magnesium supported sleep only to wake up an hour or so later – agitated and shaking.  WTfrig?  I went within – and got nothing.  NOTHING.  I reached within and up and out to Source/Divine.  NOTHING.  I grabbed a big crystal – placed it under my pillow.  Did the same – NOTHING.  I could not comfort myself or find center – so I just let myself BE.  Eventually I returned to sleep.  Slept in fits.  When it was time to get out of bed for the day, I said “nope – staying here” and tried to rest/sleep for an hour or two.

Nope.  Not happening.  So I got out of bed and just tried to “do” whatever this is I am doing.  My body felt sloppy and didn’t want to function properly.  After dinner I tried to rest and nap for an hour – slept in fits – lightly.  So what the H is going on now?  For a visual I feel like this:

Lost child | ESOL Nexus

Everywhere I look now – I see chaos.  I see things that don’t align.  I see things not making sense.  I see a variety of responses and a variety of “scenes” here.  As brother Rick said tonight (and I think he’s spot on) – something about a lot of experiences each person is having/participating in.  (I may have completely missed his point – I am just flatlined today mentally.)  I am left within feeling empty, without attachment, have (as Sister D said today) no clue what I am doing.

The whole “not feeling attached to a thing – not even myself” is new and strange.  Am I allowing or steering the vehicle?  What the H do I control now?

One of you mentioned something LMH said last fall.  I’ve been hearing that one lately myself.  Allegedly “years” end in March – which could explain why March has been the “go to” month for me (and LMH) as a moment of ending/new/transition.  Anyway, she could not see anything past March.  Who knows?  All I DO know is that as time passes I feel more detached – overall – and it has kicked into high gear this month.  Of course it is totally possible – probably likely – March will end and April will enter and all will still continue to roll on here.  My “faith” in change “out there” has waned due to weariness.  And frankly my dears, I am dayem tired of going within and changing me.  That sheot “out there” – the controls, the toxins, the systems that harm – THEY can all go KAPOOF.  And all who have enforced them knowingly – THEY are the ones who need to change.  The rest of us – we are fine just as we are.

Other than that………..Elvis has been in my space almost continuously the past 36 hours.  Hearing his music on the radio….hearing his music play in my head.  Been seeing his face on social media as anons try to figure out if he’s still alive (as that Pastor – anything is possible – I’ve heard him sing – the similarities are amazing).  I have always felt a connection with him – going back to when I was a little girl.  I know, odd isn’t it?  I found out in my 20’s he shares my numerological numbers (27/9) and is also a Capricorn.

Who knows?  I obviously don’t know a thing atm so I remain confused, tired and staying as detached as I can from the variety of movies playing on the world stage.  No time has that Rush song lyric rang more true:  All the world’s indeed a stage.

How are you all feeling?  Can you relate to what I have shared?

Here are some finds…






Saving israel for last….I had an insight about that the other day – a new one – which I have since forgotten.  



Another character from my childhood on the naughty list:





Insurrection! ANTIFA Sets Fire to Portland Public School Headquarters and Torches Vehicles in A Series Of Malicious Terrorist Attacks

I cannot bring myself to share anymore of the headlines at The GP. At this point, I don’t want to see any of this chaos anymore.  I have had enough.  So let’s find some happenings that align with the experience I want and command in my mental spaciness.  lol

I’ll take a leap forward 25 years instead.  But I appreciate the sentiment:



I wonder if there are fact-checkers for Alexa….wait for it….

😳This girls asks ALEXA if Bill Gates: KILLS PEOPLE, IS A NARCISSIST, Vaccines KILL PEOPLE….. BOOM!💥💥💥💥




We already have a party planned for this…we will be the first in our area to do this I am sure:



Don’t know how well these things work – unless the majority get some “smarts, balls and ta ta’s” and do it…..speaking as a solo individual even citing law – these businesses could care less:



NEW X22:
Ok – so this one came up today (the whole “Elvis” thing)…..Listening to his voice – his singing – that tone is spot on – that resonance – that “quavering”….





Oh a whim – I decided to Gematria Bob Joyce:








I decided to add the “Pastor” to his name (PASTOR BOB JOYCE):




Sister D passed this one along ~ from a social media group – taken in NZ before the earthquakes occurred:

May be an image of sky
Sister D also passed this one along – go to 19 minute mark for info on the vaccine….It is channeled info and she speaks of the GFL which as ya’ll know I am not fans of anymore…but who knows….her energy feels authentic and she is asking good questions which i appreciate considering many just channel w/o questioning the message…..I have had the same thought but who knows if it is truth or some matrix nonsense….still not getting the jab…..Remember the GEORGE NEWS video last year showing military delivering boxes of vaccines?  The label on the box – when you look it up – showed lithium ion batteries…….I have an idea:  Get one of these awakened doctors to get a vial and analyze to see what exactly is in them….That would clear up this issue for one and for all.
If you enjoy my work and receive benefit from it, please throw a few dollars my way by following the PayPal link at the bottom.  As I continue to say, a few dollars done by many adds up and it inspires me to continue doing what I do!  
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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “3/7 Reflection (where am i again?)….Some finds….”

  1. i hear you. sending hugs.

    i am so beyond weary. i am needing to bring money in right now, amidst some of the heaviest feelings of needing to sit like Yellow Rose shared…really sucks. I feel bad at times wanting off the ride so bad, but you know…also, no i dont! the amount of corruption and suffering and at the hands of sick, twisted, evil? this experiment, this zoo, is exhausting, and we are so long overdue for enduring wins, deep remembering, reclaiming of our power and sovereignty.

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