6/24 Finds


Today felt like Friday.  All day.  It still does.  Isn’t that odd – how often that happens now (for us in this house that is)?  Other than that, I don’t really have much to share tonight on a personal level.  I’m feeling pretty disconnected – but that doesn’t bother me.

Here are a few finds….


Speculation on his “death” continues….





I don’t know if this is “mine” or collective – or picking up on optics (that could obviously mean something else) – but I keep feeling a little nudge about some transition between end of June and into July.  I’ve had this feel all month.  There is no 22/24 – there is only NOW.

Flynn’s July Surprise! Trump Reinstall PLUS 3rd Term? Military In Control! Deep State PANIC False Flag Coming!





IGP5 00193 — Shipping Container Nukes!


Fauci Pal Daszak Finally Fired From Commission Investigating COVID Origins







Warren Buffett Resigns From Gates Foundation Board | ZeroHedge

ZeroHedge – On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero



Chip “shortage” continues…a neighbor of ours, until a couple of months ago, worked for a car dealership.  He said they just aren’t moving cars – it’s a chip shortage for the new cars.  Some dealers are advertising trading in your used vehicle – and there are so many such commercials I have been wondering if they are simply looking for chips…Their feel is China (ccp) is behind this….

Mazda Motor is the latest automaker to announce suspended operations.

A two-week stoppage in the first half of July will be in effect at a factory in western Japan. That means a loss of 10 business days.

This is the first time Mazda has shut down its factory due to a shortage of semiconductors.

In response to the US tightening export restrictions on semiconductors, the Chinese Communist Party purchased a large number of semiconductor manufacturing equipment and semiconductor parts from multiple countries in 2020. This could contribute to the global semiconductor shortage. https://gnews.org/1349190/


What’s real here?  Seems to me – watching this – what makes the most sense to me is this entire reality is one giant simulation and we are merely a piece of US on the outside in these avatars….Question is:  are we having any real control here?  Who are the programmers?  Are we on the outside aware of the us inside?  If all of this is true that is……

A Glitch In The Matrix



May be an image of text that says 'If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.... Fact checkers say it's a squirrel.'

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “6/24 Finds”

  1. Interesting how in sync many of us are–regardless of our feelings that we are out here alone looking at this stuff! I was checking out the Flynn link prior to you posting this. I also went down the camp hero monster rabbit hole and was considering how the chimera experiments have gotten the ok in congress. Dr Frankenstein would be right at home in the realm today. Maybe Mary Shelley was a time traveller too!
    Thank you for the updates! The shipping container stealth missle story is alarming.

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