A compilation of my dreams, visions, experiences of Home/The Event


i’m feeling the need to write this one up – got it in the shower portal.  i will make it brief as many of you have already read about these experiences – but new subscribers have not.  the previous video i shared about the pastor’s experience of the event (his word – the rapture) inspired me.

first dream of home:  about 12 years ago i had a dream where i was in an earth-like planet.  it felt new – purified.  the air was perfect.  i was caring for a group of kids – making them a meal.  my mate was in the garden.  the children were ages 7/8/9 and i knew one was ours – a girl – and she looked like our girl does today.  this was before we had our child in this realm.   i said nothing about this experience until my mate had the same dream several months later.

visit from Home:  july 2009 – 10 years ago this year.  telepathic communication sent to me to come outside (it was late evening).  i walk outside and see this amazing, beautiful large white pulsating orb/craft.  it headed towards us – stopped – the pulsing was so beautiful.  i received an image of what/who i saw on board and heard “hello vicki.  see you soon.”  it then took a 90 degree turn and winked out.  until that moment i had felt a sense of homesickness throughout my life.  during those brief moments it was gone and i felt Home in a way i had not recalled having.  soon is 10 years earth time.  interesting as i recalled a little bit ago yellow rose saying our “being away” from home is 10 years outside of this realm.  just found the 10 years an interesting little thing….

other dreams:

*dream of the stars falling and as i watched this occur, i thought “wow it really is a simulation here!”  i was excited to see it all happen for ALL to see.

*first event dream was a little over 2 years ago.  until this dream i was on the fence about this thing called the event.  in it, i am in my neighborhood here – walking up the street with my daughter.  people are out in the street – some look shocked – others are blissed out.  happy.  celebrating.  i see a white cloudy mist everywhere in the sky – and it is transparent enough i am able to see “new” planets.  i put the term new in quotes because none of this is really new – it’s really what has always been.  we just haven’t been privy to seeing it given our imprisonment here.  the main message of this dream:  the event is indeed “real” and it impacts every being.

*dream of seeing myself in stasis inside of a room, inside of some sort of craft (large craft was the sense).  i know it’s me even though i look a bit different – taller, curlier and thicker hair, nose is slightly smaller and straight (in this experience here i broke my nose in 3rd grade) and i am definitely younger.  i’m sleeping – and i felt “stasis” looking at myself.  i was only allowed to take a quick peek.

*dreams of boarding white trains and other vehicles – heading home.  and heading east.

*waking experience sitting at the kitchen table in september 2017.  i felt a buzzing sensation at the base of my spine which traveled up my back, neck and out the top of my head.  i then felt this energy literally pull me up to which instincts kicked in and i braved myself.  no way was i going to just “leave” my family, who was sitting at the table.  i then heard in my left ear (which i call my sweet spot) – “this is how it happens”.  the buzzing ended and the experience was over.  i learned within days of 2 others who had the same experience, also while sitting at a table eating.

i’m sure there are more i am forgetting but those are the highlights.




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “A compilation of my dreams, visions, experiences of Home/The Event”

  1. thank you for sharing! I wish I had such vivid dreams of new earth and the event. But hearing yours helps and I love to hear them! Happy Mother’s Day!

  2. Omg, Have to show my youngest daughter, who is 25yrs! She always has amazing visions, the latest was exactly like yours!!! She said the day the “event” happened, some were going crazy, chaotic, then others were calm and happy! She then said she was beyond amazed when she turned at looked at the sky, there were several “planets” in the sky!

    1. oooh that is awesome fran! thank you for sharing! if your daughter wants to write up her event vision and pass it along here for others to read that would be wonderful. 🙂

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