Linea Faerylight Ginn ~ THe event 2019. UPDATE.


editor victoria’s comment ~ hmmm….not sure how i feel about this one…hesitant is the best word to describe my feel…..what comes to me now is to just Trust and not allow my desire for this transition become the energy of desperation.  i say that because i have had moments of desperation where i have felt this clingy neeeeeeeeeeeed to hear from home….that is an experience of fear so listening to this one – well i may need to listen to it more than once to get an accurate feel….please share your comments on this – let me know what you feel listening to this….


Published on May 11, 2019

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

6 thoughts on “Linea Faerylight Ginn ~ THe event 2019. UPDATE.”

  1. Hi, dear Victoria

    thank you for your posts and sharing this. (I’m glad I’ve seen it because it went to my spam folder.)
    I feel now that we’ve been mislead on so many levels, it is hard to discern the details of all that’s happening. I’ve listened to this message twice and I’m not sensing something breath-taking to be very excited about.. Idk, maybe I’m just tired from being detoured and diverted, and reluctant to surrender my hopes entirely to a ‘higher helper’ who is able ressolve this construct and allow us to depart after a long delay… the way it sounds. (And I’m saying this after being familiar with what LMH and YRFT have been sharing and putting out in the last 1.5-2 yrs, and I appreciate all of it!). There’s clearly multiple agendas playing out though and what I would suggest is listen to the last two uploads of FlyingRainbowLasagne – about AI origins and death cult religions on earth -they are long videos but have some crucial details there I feel are very important, and see how you feel about it all. Even though I don’t resonate with fractals and geometrical patterns, I find much of what Aurora shares there to be true from my perspective, and seems like what we are experiencing have been diluted and filtered through so many layers to make it very hard for us to navigate in those times.
    I’m not one who wouldn’t accept any help from most benevolent helpers, everybody is accurate to some degree with the information presented, but the fundamental original Creator and source of life only makes sense to support life (not death or any form of destruction) and I feel that we’re moving through these changes and shift in physicality, not exactly leaving earth literally.
    Also, another thing that I realized or at least makes sense to me is that we feel so tired and our physical bodies -unwilling to operate in this construct because our ancient dna is active now and it was meant to operate on much higher frequencies, not really be fed our modern day food, or exist in artificial environment, this doesn’t neccessarily imply we have to get rid of it so to be able to return home.

    Our expansion continues all the time and I’m sure we will know more soon.
    I’ve had a dream listening to a radio, and Yellow Rose was talking from there saying that the egg is separating from the yolk…
    I hope that helps somehow or someone who reads will be able to get a little bit more clarity. And know, they are not alone.
    Thank you, peace sistar! Much love

    1. hi serenity ~ interesting dream! i can hear her use such a term. i align with so much of what you are saying. i will check out the video. she seems familiar to me – i’m pretty sure i have listened to her material before.

  2. I have been “waiting” for 12 years, and I sometimes wonder if we are one big cosmic joke with all of these “soon” dates, and wondering how a loving Creator could allow this to continue? But I am still hopeful. I also found it intriguing about the Authentic Light. I also feel that we have to wait for Lisa Harrison’s video to come out, since really this is her information and maybe she would have more information that would take the mystery out of the message. I also am so tired!!!!!

    1. i hear you sara. i’ve only been waiting on the event for a couple of years as it was not in the know of the concept. i have though been waiting for the vision and dream i had of the new for about 12 years now. i too wonder if all of this is just some cosmic joke – of which we will unite as one as kick some serious cosmic ass for as long as it takes…but i maintain this inner sense of knowing – as you said – hope. overall the message didn’t resonate much as it felt hijacked/lower vibe. to me if it resonates as truth within and doesn’t leave me with a perplexed look on my face and feeling within, i see it as a message i can accept.

  3. Hi, Victoria – I feel very much the same about this message, :)) – somehow low vibe, too much excuses, perplexed yes 🙂 I don’t even know how to trust Lisa anymore after seeing so much of what they share is reserved for their LMH member group, and comments of Luciferians are allowed below her videos, somehow this doesn’t go so well with me, but I’m just getting what resonates most as usual.
    Definately agree with you and Sarah on the cosmic joke feeling and sense of woder. We are so tired of the whole current state of the world, and yes, the energy is shifting fast now. It feels different since yesterday again, the flow is strong, and I just read your recent post related to Adam Foreman and his view on the CME’s.
    I’m still hopeful and ready to experience the right vibrational match on the external side of things. Thank you –
    we shall all have a great rising 💜 🌄🌷

  4. Thank you for the comment Victoria. Twelve years ago I found Peggy Kane where she talked about Atom and Eve and the hologram that we were living in. As I continued my journey, I discovered Lisa Harrison, Galatic Connections and YellowRoseforTexas. They all seemed to say the same thing, we have been held prisoner in this matrix and that our divine Parents were either put to sleep or locked out. All of thse 3d 4d 5d 6d……never resonated with me because it just seemed that you had to be perfect which is pretty well impossible. So if this is another lie, well, I do not know what is next.

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