A few finds for 9/21…..


A few hours ago, once again I felt into where we are.  Exactly – where are we?  I keep having this question within – and my feeeeeel is this place is/has been far stranger than we realize.  …  Early bedtime tonight – for all in this house.  Here are a few finds.  Love, V.


4VKM Meets Negative48


Vincent Kennedy – Grid Iron Gang IV: Horsemen of the Conspiracy


9/21/2021 — Major Seismic Unrest Worldwide — La Palma Volcano to Australia M6.0 near Melbourne



For those who asked what S.C. is…

How is Trump in charge of the military without being in charge of the military?
You become the S.A.C.
S.C. or more formally S.A.C. stands for Supreme allied Commander.

Holding this position allows you charge over all forces of every country that have gathered for the same purpose. It is why he was handed the sword from the king when he went to Saudi Arabia and was so well received in places U.S. presidents have to been treated very warmly.
I am sure Biden and his crew are totally aware and are crapping their pants trying to figure out what to do next since my guess is that Trump has blinded U.S. foreign intel. I would love to be a fly on the wall in a Nancy, Milley conversation regarding this.
Here is a link if you would like to know more.



NEO 081001 @neo


Croatia’s president: “Enough with vaccination!”

“I wonder if those in the networks like CNN have gone crazy”.

The Croatian president, Zoran Milanović, has strong words in a statement on the comparison of the vaccination rate in the EU average:

“We are vaccinated enough, and everyone knows it. We do not go above 50% vaccination coverage. Let them [note: EU countries] build a fence around us.”



It’s on our calendar…




In response Angels Here to her Publication

long time…1968 coin
bush jr graduation
israel coin

It’s all in the way it’s worded….
This PV is bringing it all down…..far bigger than the election fraud too…..
All being exposed….



My whole life…My first memory of knowing my family did not “see” was when I was around 3 or 4.  The message was profound – came through quickly – and left.  By the time I was 5 or 6 I was looking up at the sky knowing my “real home” was outside of the sky I was looking at.  Been one of the beautiful odd ones ever since.  Thought I was the only one until around 22/23 years ago.  






There may be fireworks on Friday, but don’t expect the Arizona audit report.
What is Karen Fann’s & Wendy Rogers’ response?



Bombshell Report Proves State and Federal Election Crimes Were Committed – County Commissioner Leaks to Press Instead of Reporting Crimes





For those interested, McAfee’s latest drops on telegram (one is a video I can’t imagine anyone wanting to watch – a few moments and I knew and stopped watching)…


Another place we want to go – and stay….




A submarine (I saw an image online today)…..

Mr. Deeds @mrdeeds


German press conference involving doctors who’ve discovered some extremely strange objects in the Pfizer and Moderna shots. One appears to be a literal submarine(!!!), as well as what looks like a chip and some other things that are more difficult to identify.

The doctors are completely dumbfounded that government has no interest in finding out what is in these shots, and are calling for other doctors and gov institutes to stop distributing them and first find out wtf is going on.









Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.