A very POWERFUL share and a synch all-in-one



Taking it EZ atm…..but saw this and had to share: (more mainstream outlets are saying he was fired – others are affirming what he says – he resigned his commission)….


Did Lt. Colonel Scheller Have a ‘Secret Message’ on a Chess Board Known as The Trompowsky Attack?

According to a user named Spencer Neale, he had the chess pieces lined up in what’s called the Trompowsky attack. According to Neale, “The Trompowsky attack, you win or you die.”

The Marine’s message on youtube….17 years in Uniform…..One of the most powerful videos/messages any of us will see at this time.  


I walked out to the garage to share this interesting info with my mate.  I told him I felt this guy was part of the plan – playing his role – seeing the whole system – THEIR whole system – come to an end.

As I said this – guess what song began playing on the Radio?  I’ll let you listen…


It’s NOT happening (and yet it really is…).






Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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