There are some people insisting this storm was a “nothing burger” up in New York and the footage we see is fake or intentionally created.  I take no position on that except to say this is war – some of what we see is deception/fake – some true.  Whatever the “truth” is – there is always the bigger picture – people and their property being hurt/harmed.  Today I put out big thoughts with big energy to destroy the program of deception – destroy that frequency that hides the truth.  Twists and distorts it.  Enough is enough.  LET US ALL SEE EVERYTHING EVER HIDDEN FROM US.  Let deception (intentional deception to control/mislead) END.

May they clean up/rebuild easily.


I write to you tonight absolutely heartbroken.

In the remnants of Hurricane Ida’s ruthless downpour in New York yesterday, Project Veritas HQ in Mamaroneck has been completely destroyed.

Our team is resilient. We never give up.

We will rebuild better than ever before.

I want to express my deepest sympathies for everyone impacted by this storm.

Innocent lives were lost. I’m horrified by this fallout.

If you are in any way able to help Veritas and others move forward through this crisis, it would be truly appreciated.

We want to become operational again as quickly as possible. But we cannot do it without support.

All donations are fully tax-deductible.

We will rise,


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.