Am I on to something (on the whole WAKE UP insight)…….?


So I just edited my previous post to include my thought (that I got in the bathroom washing my face) that my only real “job” – now – is to know I am in a simulation – a dream world – and to literally WAKE UP.  It begins by looking around the world and knowing it’s f’d up.  Seeing the lies.  The next and final step is to literally WAKE UP.  I didn’t know if 17 actually said the term WAKE UP.  Or really focused on those two words.  So I checked.

18 times.

17+1 (= Q+).

Go through it.  See if it grabs at you – see what you feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.  Wake up.

I am also wondering if some of this code that is dropped are awakening codes (and not just all military codes).  There is another version of us outside – just like the matrix – so we have to get intel/info streamed inside to us here… SEE and then WAKE UP.

This is so much more than political fraud………….corruption………weather manipulation……..poisons in our environment and food………..and even more than trafficking and the invisible enemy who created this entire game/realm……….this is literally a prison for our minds in order to keep our Souls fractilized – captured – controlled.  We feed them.



Calligraphie Alphabet Lettre V Vecteurs libres de droits ...


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Am I on to something (on the whole WAKE UP insight)…….?”

  1. Yes…I was alerted to the “Loosh “scenario(harvesting human energy) approx 7-8 years ago. The ally who told me about loosh became my conspiracy research-amigo and we shared notes and had many in-depth conversations regarding what is really going on in the Matrix. All conversations were in person–off grid , in his hemp clothing store(now out of biz–alas). Also–the aerial photos of sports stadiums(football-soccer esp.) are unique in that they appear as the Egyptian eye symbol we are familiar with. This seemed to me to indicate that entities(Archontic) harvest the massive amount of emotional energy emitted during games. 50,000 humans is a lotta energy! As for where we Be now–Clif High’s recent overview of the Tower of Babylon syndrome–aka Resets and the engineered chaos and confusion–resonates for me. Their ‘usury’ fractional reserve banking model has collapsed(yet again) and now that the slaves are more awakened and aware of the scams and schemes it’s been all about population control in the endgame. Praying for the white hats! Blessons!

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