Amanda Lorence ~ Wayshower Message for 5/10/18


Amanda Lorence
16 mins


Commencing in earnest last Friday 11 May, there is now a significant number of human beings on the planet experiencing the FINAL process of MERGE. Whilst on the ascension path we are able to tap into our Higher Self, akin to flicking a switch, at will. But the current process of Higher Self MERGE is the merge of our own higher essence into the physical vessel. Upon completion of this process, the human identifies as Self. There is no Higher Self anymore because the separation of Higher Consciousness and lower consciousness is no longer perceived as two states. The MERGE is Two becomes One. What felt like separated, becomes a union. There is simply “Self”. The Self, is I (I as in the letter i not the number ‘One’).

This MERGE is a process. Because much data shifts in, further understandings, new awareness. It’s physical, mental, emotional, energetic, esoteric. It could not occur instantaneously for it would blow the lower mind. Hence, some are in this process NOW. Their process, unification, their energetic coding, then triggers others, it’s a dominoe effect, for more light workers to start said MERGE process at their own ready point (as per their frequency). It ricochets out, like the ripple effect, only energetic.

Those in process…you merge your higher to lower, Masculine to Feminine, etherical to physical. It’s a divine ‘Marriage’. The marriage spoken of in scripture. One human at a time, based on their frequency.

The Soul, your Soul…was always ONE. It has never been split in two. We, experiencing being and thinking human, at a lowered level of consciousness, agreed to ‘not know’, experience as a consciousness experiencing the programme of separation. Thus, as that consciousness, experiencing a physical body, we have been taught, heard, read, that the Soul is split into two. That is lower conscious perception within the field of separation behind the veil. It was never split. It was always ALWAYS ONE (even that goes further, another post perhaps). So we experienced a perceived separation. An idea and belief we were separate to the other half of us. That the soul had been divided. And thus each live, looking for the other half of themselves. It was always there. Awaiting the frequency shift higher and higher and higher, the physical human frequency shift…until the human frequency reached the point where the veil could lift, and the lower consciousness could SEE, EXPERIENCE, KNOW, FEEL akin to a REUNION of their own higher counterpart. The Soul was ONE, it was perceived divided into two, to be SEEN as unified back into the ONE it always was. In truth, all that changes, is our consciousness state, where we see, feel, touch, hear, KNOW higher layers upon layers of infinite data. Truth reveals at each layer/level/state of consciousness.

This CURRENT process for some, is the reunion, where their consciousness shifts to SEE/KNOW, what they formerly labelled Higher Self, is in fact the other half of their own soul. Their own higher essence, observing the show all along, merges into the physical vessel. One half is masculine, the other feminine, into ONE physical body.

When the MERGE is complete (no idea how long it takes), the human will live and exist entirely differently. Consciousness will be change entirely. They walk in human form, they can interact with sight, hearing, timelines, no time, events, signs, Gaia’s communication system, higher energies…ALL from a higher layer, higher level of consciousness. It’s hard to explain…but each level of consciousness carries its own perceptions, it’s own truths. We do not, can not see LIVE except from our particular state of consciousness. Yes, we can Astro travel, regress, experience outer body etc, but we STILL end up coming back to the physical body and dominant consciousness state….until this MERGE is complete. Third dimension has its level of truth and appearance etc. So does fourth, fifth, Sixth dimension have it’s own truths and knowings. Every level higher unveils it’s layers of appearance, laws and truths. So what was hidden in plain sight in third dimensional consciousness state is seen, by the living human of a higher consciousness. Gaia has her own language, communication system which the Higher State human can see and communicate with. Yet this layer is not seen at third dimensional state consciousness of a human.

The MERGE some are in paves the way, via DNA coding, that comes online, is activated and thus the dominoes effect occurs for other humans.

Whilst this MERGE is hugely significant, a milestone, a beauty…there is more…to come…So much more…yet this stage, this MERGE of Higher into physical, permanently, opens up gateways upon gateways upon gateways.

Take your own time with your process. It’s very intimate, loving, beautiful, and makes sense of everything you have undergone this lifetime. Many others will not understand for they are still feeling separate to you, in their ‘world’, their ‘dream’. You already allow them their own illusion, so this truly is your time, to spend time with NEW you. You’ve so much to get to know AGAIN!

So much love.

AL 10 May 2018

Sourced from here.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.