Today’s Reflections….5/14/18


Do any of you feel the need to cleanse yourself and/or your house when you find yourself in a filthy environment?  Filth.  Clutter.  Horrid smells.

I do.

In a parallel dimension I am Ms. Clean.  I have lightened up a lot over the years, but I still feel so much like Me when I and my environment are clean.

Earlier today I went for a walk.  I passed by a house that had a couch sitting on the sidewalk (you see that often around here ~ it’s kinda gross ~ especially when the rains come and the thing sits there, rotting).  The smells coming from the couch was beyond what I could tolerate.  I actually gagged, covered my mouth and ran past it.  Out loud I said “oh my god some people are so unbelievably filthy!”  (if they are even human…)

I came home, did some yoga and given I had the eagle-eye view of the carpet, saw how my own house has been more neglected than normal.  For the first time in years, I got out a big scrub brush and got down on my knees and scrubbed debris and trapped hair (we really need a new vacuum).

And now my arms are tired, but the house not only looked better but feels better.

All is energy.

I had a friend once years ago who believed we didn’t have enough water on the planet to sustain all of us, so his contribution was to shower just 1-2x/week.

O M G.  Image result for stinky images

I was the first one to tell him, when he asked “do I smell?”, that yes, he did smell.  He also wore the same clothes several times before washing them. His house was no better.  I said even just a little 3 minute shower every day is not going to create water havoc.

Cleanliness is next to godliness.  Not being religious but being in a state of Purity is in a state of, well, purity.  You can meditate.  Clean out the inner debris.  But it is my feeeeeeeeling that if that cleaning doesn’t include your outer body and living space, you are missing some cleaning tasks.

I recently visited one of my girls friends house and felt so gross in my body. Ants crawling on the counters of the kitchen.  Food and dirt and who knows what else all over the floors.  Beds unmade.  Kids stuff all over the place.

I came home, grabbed the sage and then cleaned the bathroom.

It’s all energy.

Speaking of cleaning, as I was on my knees earlier, I had a flash of a memory – either a previous experience or a current version of the me that is already in the New Earth realm:  we don’t clean like this.  Our homes self-clean.  And the next time my child breaks her sunglasses, I don’t have to glue them back to-frigging-gether.  I take the material and w/my replicator, make another one in moments.  No waste.

And no mama grumbles.

So I have had some moments today where I have thought “my goddess, why did I come here?”  WHAT HAVE I DONE??!!  And funny how I heard the Talking Heads piece, “Once in a Lifetime” today, which usually leaves me wondering those same things….only this time I knew the answer.

The eternal awesomeness that is Me came here to see Freedom restored to us All ~ which comes by seeing an end to this realm.  I know it as much as I know anything.  Lisa Harrison’s latest video just reaffirmed it.  I did ponder for awhile if I was one of those who agreed to the free will idea and if I did how I seek forgiveness for that choice.  Nothing in me feels that.  If anything I would have been the one making the affirmation against ~ I would have cast my vote for Freedom.  Why any Sentient Being would make such a choice shows, well, while we are One we are indeed NOT the same.

I also know i have continued to come here to see Freedom restored.  It wouldn’t surprise me if that’s what Eternal Me does.  Only now I need restoration myself and to live it and be it for as long as I need it.  And that includes the ability to live in a clean, pristine environment ~ within and without.

And wow, the stories I will share.  As will we all.

Much love,



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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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