An interesting gematria from a Def Leppard lyrical phrase



Well, if you were a big Def Leppard fan (as I was) during your younger years and loved the song “Rock of Ages”, you are familiar with the opening:

Gunter glieben glausen globen.

I wanted to know more about that particular line.  Recently  my mate and I watched the video and not having watched it for a couple of decades, we were pretty horrified at the images we saw.  Sacrifice.  Evil.  Succumbing to both.

U G H.

So tonight we looked into the above phrase.  All sources said it was nothing but gibberish but my inner senses told me otherwise.  I knew it was a spell.

So I plugged the phrase into the gematria and this is what comes up at the top of the list:

Kite Hit Steel Plane Must

Remember 9/11 when GW Jr. was reading to the school children?  Remember those 5 words were spoken at the time and citizen journalists/researchers put together it was a spell being cast for the events of that day.

Coincidence these 5 allegedly “gibberish” words align with these 5?

Yeah, I don’t think so.

NOTHING is a coincidence here ~ not when it comes to creations they put out for all to see.

There are many other phrases of ugh that align.  I don’t want to share them but if you want to see for yourself, here’s the link.

For now and from here on out, if I hear that song, I won’t be singing those words anymore.  Time to cancel it all out and bring in NEW.  I am SO READY to communicate from the heart ~ telepathically.  Pure Language.




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “An interesting gematria from a Def Leppard lyrical phrase”

  1. Once you become aware of the pattern in the game, it can’t be unseen and it’ll pop up in the least expected places!

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