Back to “NOPE”….


Today I’m back to “NOPE”.

The space I continue to return TO – after I’ve allowed my logic to bypass my heart.  My emotions.  My feelings.  (those three get a lot of verbal beating up today if you show too much of them – sad – as they are the language of the Soul)….  Logic on its own is for AI and robots.

NOPE in my support of what’s going on – how it’s playing out.

Headline today – a young boy had to watch his father die in a city that imposed the poke mandates and thus due to staffing shortage, this boy is traumatized and heart-broken.

Can we stop calling this “collateral damage”?  That is absolutely heartless.  These are people – CHILDREN.  And now, it is the CHILDREN with whom I am most upset about and concerned for.  And if you’re not as well, you get a NOPE from me too.  The plan people have said repeatedly this is about the children.  Prove it at this point.  YOU CAN’T.

Reflecting on Lisa and Michelle’s video last night – this “movie” can be stopped at any time.  And it is absolutely disdainful to me that the only way to escape/get out is to see the horror show – rubbed in our faces – daily – until.  Love doesn’t do that.  Love tends to have a more useful, beneficial impact on humans.  Trauma just disconnects you – scatters you.  So this plan, again, gets a giant NOPE from me.  How people can just sit back and watch and not FEEEEEEEL the same – not feel deep pain seeing children suffer at this stage OF the plan – well I question your humanity now.

So – NOPE.


Not this heart-centered, empathic human.

With love and truth ~ ALWAYS ~




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.