BZ day…a check in…..and some finds….


Nothing like good old fashioned cleaning/yard work to release some physical tension and focus on the NOW, you know?  The day was dry, mostly sunny, 60’s.  We had our chimney cleaned too by a local handyman.  Very nice guy – honest, transparent – down to earth.  Kept calling me “ma’am” (even though he knows my name).   And he brought his two wonderfully behaved dogs (which as I have shared is pretty rare in these parts).

I was tuning in to other things too – feeling where we are.  I’m seeing more people show their full selves – sharing how they really feel, what they really think – and also seeing those either “not there” or “not quite there” being pretty put off by such honesty.  That truth frequency just grows.  It’s just going to continue to bubble up and push until it’s expressed somehow – which is messy at times and as we are seeing with the perverse and evil – really hard at times to look at.

I’ve been pretty uninterested in the number thing – but I have been seeing 5:55 so much in recent days it’s kinda crazy.  What it indicates or what “side” is presenting it, I don’t know.  I just know that’s a fairly unseen number sequence for me so for it to be so present in this now, well, we’ll see if it’s something or nothing…

I’m also observing my own emotional expressions.  It’s a challenge for me – to remain neutral – being so empathic/sensitive.  I see suffering – something within me speaks loudly to point it out – call in support/help if i can.  I’m just not one who sits back and watches a horror show – and doesn’t respond.  Or react.  It isn’t Who I Am.  And you know – I would not want to ever become someone who is hardened or lost in some spiritual practice that bypasses emotional responses.  So much of this realm has simply not jived with me.  Obviously.  lol  And I am not one to be quiet about it.

I don’t censor myself.  Truth must be expressed.  And I know many of you come here for that reason alone.  I thank those of you who respect that right.

Here are some finds.




Oh wow.  Talk about the Universe giving me a giant hug.  This is literally the first thing I saw when I went to see what’s going on worth sharing…The Universe is saying “YES SPEAK YOUR TRUTH”….





🔴Amazingly, this was on TV New Zealand today. What has been “conspiracy” for the last 20 months is now on national news and publicly confirmed.

This manipulation of the reason for death is what we know has been happening all around the world – a total fraud of the death rate numbers.





You know that energy when you share your truth and get gaslighted/silenced/attacked, etc.  We’ve all been subject to it – we’ve all had that program running in ourselves.  Key is seeing it.  Some don’t see it at all.  

🔴Please watch this, understand it and share it, apply this to those within our communities who weaponise empathy to control those around them, if more understood these complicated conditions, i believe we would all suffer a great deal less from the effect of the abusers!

(BTW – there continues to be more proof of election fraud – which I am not sharing – because it’s been a dayem year and nothing’s changed even though good people have been challenging the results in the courts, exposing, etc…..)


Never isolated either…
Kinda like this realm, eh?

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.