Breaking out of the matrix game


editor victoria’s comment ~ aligning.  …  i wanted to add a note about the devon madgy prediction that today was “E” day (event/escape/exit).  while i saw the synchronicities he shared and align with his perspective of who we are and where we are (more or less that is), i didn’t allow myself to hold tight to this date.  i have disciplined myself to not focus on dates.  i also honestly didn’t feel anything like he was saying was going to happen today – in part because the controller’s are still around, doing their stuff (ceremonies included) and they play a lot of their games around their custom created holidaze – including the solstice dates.  calendar’s (the one we use that is) are part of their control so i don’t give them much focus.  i have been naturally pulled away from them the past 2 years.  (which explains why i often don’t know what day of the week it is much less at times what month).  but i do know there were many who were so hung up on this day being “it” – and are now expressing their disappointment and sadness.  it is unfortunate devon has deleted one of his channels – flat earth paradise – and is removing videos on his devon elon madgy channel.  i would like to see him own his error – especially knowing how many follow him quite diligently and were really hooked in to today.  we all make error’s. no need to hide. NONE of us know the when.  for me it brings me back to a state of being humble and not taking my feelings and inner knowings too seriously – at least not to the level where i cannot see anything else.  if i truly knew every thing – well – i wouldn’t be here, would i?  lol

Collective conscious has been trapped in a computer – humans think they are the avatar.It’s as if you were playing…

Posted by Stephanie Sarten on Saturday, December 21, 2019

Collective conscious has been trapped in a computer – humans think they are the avatar.

It’s as if you were playing virtual reality and the you that creates your avatar for the game goes into the computer and forgets that it went into the computer to experience being the avatar.

We weren’t supposed to forget or disconnect from the us on the outside of this computer.

You are not the avatar.

You are not the avatar.

You are not the avatar.

You are the consciousness behind the program. You are observing this like a movie.

Exact same thing as playing Minecraft or whatever VR game you know about.

Get it. You are on the other side with no memory of the other side. Thinking you are the character.

We are busting out of this computer so buckle up beloveds.


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

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