Finds ~ 4.25.22 ~ Including a San Tarot many of you will completely appreciate


Big Event.  “Flash”.  Yes – a literal “FLASH” card she shows.  Amazing!  Finding ourselves again in the “lower world” (underworld).  Exhausted – end of rope – feeling like energy is being drained.  Spiritual narcolepsy (mind-wipe).  Ready for “integration” – another part of ourself………..also a “foreign” energy……….  Does this happen during those moments when we just lay down suddenly and “black out”?  That’s my sense……….  Meditation….Stillness……..”Recovery mode”……….Last night I drew a card for myself – and that is what came through for me.  2018 I began to feel the closer we got to “it” – the more I would need to sleep/rest.  Rest and detox/cleanse before what’s coming “next”……….A good one…..San Tarot latest…………(for me – don’t really need to see anything else)

Leo – Preparing for the big event.



44………I hear banned accounts will be restored…………I have 3 lol…………(and my current one)………

BREAKING: IT’S OFFICIAL! TWITTER IS SOLD! Twitter Shares Halted Pending News of Sale – Company Sold to Elon Musk for $44 Billion

It’s Happening… Twitter Video Calls on Elon Musk to Reinstate Prominent Conservatives Including: President Trump, Carlson, O’Keefe, Alex Jones, Babylon Bee and Jim Hoft



Starlink comm?




Sharing this only because it feels like an “end game” puzzle piece………



Line in the sand?  Maybe?  shrug……….i dunno………




BREAKING: Trump-Appointed Federal Judge Issues Temporary Restraining Order Barring Joe Biden From Lifting Title 42


‘Fully-Vaccinated and Boosted’ Texas Gubernatorial Candidate Beto O’Rourke Announces He Has COVID


This (elections – election fraud, etc.) continue to feel so “old world” and for me – simply is not aligning/resonating – at all.


We inch closer…..

This feels – for me – far more important….

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

3 thoughts on “Finds ~ 4.25.22 ~ Including a San Tarot many of you will completely appreciate”

  1. Did we have a cme or something yesterday? I felt extremely irritated and on edge until the early evening hours. Had to pull out the entire energy arsenal to cope. After that everything calmed down.
    I watched Jumanji the other day and it dawned on me that it was a comm. People got sucked into a game to “save the realm”, after which they got to go “home”, lol! When awake, you get to realize all kinds of things after watching
    “their” shows. Then I watched a new series sci fi series called “Picard”. That show is loaded with all kinds of comms and projections, sometimes so quick, you have to be on your toes not to miss it! Ben Fulford had some really interesting goodies in his Monday newsletter. Apparently, Le Pen got paid 300 million to go along with the rigged election scheme. That’s why she was smiling when results were announced. Chump change for the cabal, according to Ben. He also alluded that she would get the guillotine for that exchange. France is outraged, and Macron is played by a look-alike. Also, many people of high standing, all over the world, are suddenly announcing they have covid.
    Real Raw News announced that “Fauci” is going to be hanged. I have the feeling, the real Fauci left us long ago, and the fake one is being retired. But we’ll see. As for the “Event”, now they are talking about the plasma dome splitting and all of the liquid plasma pouring out. Reality reset. From ‘A Starship Earth:”NCSWIC—-> NOW WE KNOW WHAT THAT IS FOR-SURE! “The ending won’t be for everyone”

    They are referring to the Cyclic plasma reset, aka-EMPCOE. As seen around the world, Carved into every cave wall of civilizations past “SQUATTER MAN” represents the Plasma toroidal event as seen by man from our plain/Earth. When the dome cracks (The glass ceiling) And plasma rushes in to reset our realm.” How exactly that is supposed to work is anyone’s guess.

    1. yes – i saw that. i too have felt for a long time that the nothing can stop etc. is that moment we see all and return to our original experience before all of “this” happened…………….how it happens as you said – i don’t know either. did you listen to san tarot’s latest tonight?

    2. no cme that i saw – at least nothing significant. many have shared w/me that same out of sorts/frustration. i keep sensing we’re prepping – detoxing/releasing – for the event. (likely also being “poked” by the ai at the same time).

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