More hard questions………



If this is all “for the children” – what about those who have been jabbed against their will?

What about the children forced to be groomed with lies and ugly hidden agendas inside the walls of public schools?

What about the children whose lives were shut down two years ago after the “p.demic”?

What about the anxiety and depression millions of our babies were unnecessarily put through?


And as parents – where is our help and support in helping our children through all of this?

Then there’s Musk – buying twatter.  So what.  That money of his was only possible after he received funding for his ventures through the people (tax dollars).

I also thought this morning about this whole “movie” thing.  IF those who don’t know of this “plan” find out not only about all of the hidden crap people like us have learned/discovered over the years/decades (!!!)  – but they find out the last 2 years their buddy in the WH wasn’t even the real one?  You think that’s going to make it easier for their minds?  You really think they will EVER see T as a good guy?  They were already programmed during the 2016 election.  That programming has only increased since.

We’ve been told for several years to use reason and logic.  The more I do, the more I experience this “plan”, the more I see it absolutely lacking in ANYTHING Divine/Godly much less logic.  As P. Brassard said – the plan is stewpid.  A simple – but appropriate term.  It is possible, friends, that only those of us truly from the outside/home are the only ones evolved and aware of our Divine Nature.

There’s a conversation happening with “conservatives” (Republicans) focused on the student loan debt situation and work – calling these kids lazy – they “shouldn’t” have taken out the debt to begin with – and also saying the people not wanting to work are “lazy”.

Aren’t we trying to BRING IN A NEW WORLD?

Most people I know who are out of work – is through no fault of their own – and they are rightfully FED UP with working for poverty wage jobs.  Many of them hold degrees (myself included).  Pay to live IS enslavement and guarantees if you aren’t at the top financially, you’re a good little slave keeping the system going while making those at the top rich.

And the whole debt situation with college – college is criminally expensive.  These kids are conditioned/groomed/programmed (as I was) that the magical piece of paper can provide you with a wealth of opportunities including guaranteed jobs.  I was literally promised I would be able to hold a certain list of jobs when I graduated.

Reality painted a totally different reality.  And THAT is when I actively began questioning this stink pit.  What else was I lied to about?

These kids are victims – as are every one of us who believed in the lies they push.  The division though – and remaining lack of open heart and mind – are still troubling to me.  Seems again that those like me – and you – and us – are  indeed a minority.

The only thing I see that will change all of this and give us ALL the experience we REALLY WANT (which is truly a Divine/Godly plan) – is a miracle – a massive massive HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE miracle that touches every one of us.

I have to leave it at that – for typing “until then we blah blah” ain’t working to pacify.

That’s all, friends.

With love,





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “More hard questions………”

  1. We all have a POV. Unique, distinct, and informed by life experience–or lifetimes of experience. That’s the preamble as my way of acknowledging your personal experience and observations, Victoria. My observations are slightly different in context. Firstly I have been skeptical from the first time I read or listened to Q decodes(Jordan Sather and Praying Medic caught my ear), and in this regard listened to decodes with an open mind. “The Plan” never really took hold in my imagination as a “thing” to rely upon. Then someone made a comment along the way, “We are The Plan.” Well…that got my attention. As for the rescue of the children–I pray this is true. I often say to my inner circle, I believe it’s true that children have been rescued, and yet–to what degree is this rescue op in effect? I sure don’t have the inside scoop. No contacts in Cheyenne Mountain or coming from allies in some secret WH HQ. Even the deep dives into Ghislaine and Jeffrey’s escapades seem to me more than pedo-blackmail fodder. I believe the charges against both are warranted nonetheless–the young women who were clearly taken advantage of, and so on(I’ve listened to, and read a few victim’s testimonies). From my vantage point, the Archontic infection, Alien interference, and manipulative agendas of the DS and the MIC and the Khazarian mob are all very real for me. Can I definitively argue about any of this being 100% reality? No I cannot–but I can say that my dreams and my research has taken me to a place where I absolutely know that we humans are in a spiritual war on Earth. It is thousands of years old, and perhaps many of us signed up for this, as truthsayers. I also believe that in our capacity to maintain the highest vibrations in human consciousness is to choose to be a light warrior. It grows tiresome to engage ignorant sleep walkers in any dialog outside of the Normie-box. I will do my best to hold the line and ‘red pill’ folks when they are open to hearing me, and also when they are not open to hearing me. What a time to be alive, eh? Blessings, and thank you again for all of your excellent dot-connects!

  2. “The only thing I see that will change all of this and give us ALL the experience we REALLY WANT (which is truly a Divine/Godly plan) – is a miracle – a massive massive HUUUUUUUUUUUUGE miracle that touches every one of us.”
    I totally agree! Been praying for that and divine intervention!

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