Magenta Pixie: It Appears “Something” Is About to Happen


editor’s note:  had to share this one as about 13 hours ago i was suddenly LIT within ~ so much energy ~ flying high i thought i COULD fly.  instead i thought go out walking/running.  however it was 1am – and i had a choice.  stay up for a few hours and risk being exhausted and extra cranky in the morning – or sleep.  i chose sleep (after asking for assistance to soothe the energies).  a few breathing exercises had me out.  still awoke exhausted and cranky so next time will make a different choice…..  this whole debit card hack is still ongoing making me want to get the fuck out of this nightmare realm and into the new where we aren’t assaulted and attacked.  


Petra Magentapixie
10 hrs

It does appear that ‘something’ is about to happen. Things are ramping up on both sides. My feeling is that whilst this may appear to be one thing (and potentially a negative event/situation) it is actually not as it seems and it is ultimately positive. Something took place last night (31st May into 1st June) in the world ‘behind the scenes’ (multidimensional wave of energy as well as physical events taking place) I was there remote viewing and anchoring energy as were a huge amount of starseeds also. Hence the reason why starseeds today are waking with the feeling that something is going to happen or that they feel elated or uneasy (as different perspectives create different emotional outcomes) a lot of clearing took place. I saw Donald Trump and got to read his fields quite clearly. Those asleep and believing the false narrative have no idea of the integrity and honour this man has and the things he is doing for our planet. He is a lightworker in the highest degree. All I can say here about what is about to unfold, is – in the words of ‘Q’ ‘Trust the Plan’ xx

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.