The Religion of Karma


Been thinking a lot about karma today.  I believe I shared my bank card info was stolen.  Or maybe I didn’t share that here.  I am so mentally crumbled at the moment, I don’t know what I have done or where or how or with who. The phone calls this has entailed has overwhelmed my circuits…

This fucker who decided to steal from me, I am learning (to no surprise) will likely never be caught, thereby allowing them to continue their “anything goes” choices in this “anything goes” realm for years, decades.

Where is the karma, I ask.

The only answer I feel within is that karma is simply one of those programs put into the most honest, kindest of people.  If the energy of karma applied to all, then the pedophiles, rapists, thieves, cabal cattle and their ilk would have been rounded up and disposed of by now.

But nope.  They continue with their ugly freedom taking dark shit because this realm, the energy of this realm, supports that.

Certainly explains why the most innocent, sensitive, kindest of Souls experience the most assault.  Struggle.  Sickness.  etc. etc.  I have this nagging feeling that this sick realm hears just one little low vibe thought and tosses back to these Souls (souls like us) what they put out.  But those who vibe low and relish in harmful, destructive behaviors are immune.

We can’t have TRUE karmic experiences here until we have TRUE energies of freedom.  So until then, we have controlled, manipulated experiences.

And I am starting to let myself “go there”, after 52 years, that there is little we can do about it.

New age communities throw the karma mantra in our face when we experience an attack or harm.  They claim to suddenly know your entire thought train that lead to the attack, putting the entire experience upon you.  Blame the victim.  That’s a lot easier than going down the rabbit hole of karma and, goddess forbid, help the victim. Yeah, victim.  I said VICTIM.

I don’t want to be a victim.  I want to be fully FREE to live and be as I WISH. I want to be FREE OF POWER OVER games.


UGH!!!  (punch punch punch on the punching bag)

This whole criminal system, which IS set up to enable the criminals, essentially told ME, the VICTIM ~ “not much you can do about it.”

How is any of this ok?

I’m supposed to be ok with this, right?

Well, I’m NOT ok with it.

I feel violated.  (how often does that happen?  walk outside, breath the chemtrail air, drink the polluted waters and eat the polluted foods ~ we get violated constantly here)

In the meantime, we await for some magical energy wave.  Oooh, but we are supposed to vibe high enough to feel that.

Rolling my eyes.  Shaking my head.  And holding my heart.

Meltdown today.  I am tired of speaking my truth.  Tired of holding the hope for this event.  Tired of visualizing what I want and desire.  Tired of letting go, allowing only to rinse and repeat.

I have no answers in terms of what to do different.  Next.  New.  I have engaged in that approach so many times throughout my life.  And yet here I still am.  In this moment.  Feeling just plum worn out and not seeing the point of all of these “things” I have done.  Created.

Some say the journey is what matters ~ not the end result.

Yeah, well, not for me.  That’s as ridiculous as saying “is your cup half empty or half full.”

I say the journey AND end result “matter”.

And I say if my cup isn’t full, what needs to happen to fill it up.

Popular sayings ~ just more matrix programming.

Every bit as much for this thing called karma.

A weary ending and a weak offering of love~






Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

4 thoughts on “The Religion of Karma”

  1. I really love this post, and I really love you.

    Thank you for all you are and all you do.


  2. I believe you are being interfered with. Check out Michelle walling Facebook video of similar experiences. Maybe of some help.
    Nothing to do with karma. Universal Law does Not exist on this planet. It has been hijacked.

  3. Even saint in puddle of mud get dirty. We fall and get up. Youre in this community one of the close people I can identify. Why? Because no flying space disk sucked you up, show promotional videos and give pamphets for free to you. We deal with forces with too little power, understanding and underling hopeless. Yet we expected to be brilliant, shining and making crowds follow our light.
    Its like getting back to school paradox, after graduating when you look for job you say:”school life was easy” but if you would really get back, you will instantly remember all of anxiety, stress and other things that then were “important”, perhaps after The End we will laugh and say: “now it look easy and simple” (you get 1 million followers, he manifest unlimited money and she arrest cabal) pretty easy with our full power but not right now.

    Yesterday I was meditatin, I heard female voice: “5 years”, probably about how long it will be extended. I should felt dissapointed but Im not. I accepted situation that we will stay here longer then needed.

    I change my life priorities order to: Me(my spiritual progress), Me(my abudance), others and Event. 6 years ago that would sound as if I have unresolved control of my ego, that it drive me but now it not based on channelings. Its not what grade you get its important to pass exam, be a being of light DO NOT PUT ON YOU any external responsibility. No matter how many told you you cannot be like that.

    Light community right now is like club for misfits but its start to crystalise its hierarchy, rules, and incontestable ideology, its sad because its place when I felt I beloned but its toxic now and following most of them make more harm then good to me.

    Sorry Im in point when I questioned all world, didnt get answer back and shutdown my perspective. Now Im creating another worldfor myself, but I dont want good or evil either there. Those famillies, agendas,forces,rules negative or positive stoped mattering to me as long they do not cross my path I do not cross their.

    Im here by accident and Im not actress, I will sit in first row and look for exit before this show ends.

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