More Finds on this 9.8.22 Day


Question remains:  Are the rest seeeeeing what we are?  (btw – today is also Star Trek Day – 55 years too – 5:5)…………



Queen removed.  Now maybe it’s the King’s turn (and maybe checkmate on this board??)








Ok lets blow you mind

The BBC this morning said they will aire the queens ill-health until 6 pm

She dies dead on 6pm pun intended

first number


Dies on 9/8 = 17

Exactly 17 months after Edward

Her title plus her age

2+9+6 = 17

Date of death 8/9/2022

8+9+2+2+2 = 23 PAIN

Dies on the 1.776 day since the first Q post

Are you not entertained??


In response Kuntuzangpo UM 1776 – Z to his Publication

I agree, all planned ? Queen dies same day Liberty Bell first rang in 1776. Its been 1776 days since Q’s first drop. I see 1776 All Over the Place. LET FREEDOM RING , WORLD WIDE !!



Lower case “p” – letting us know he/it is just a resident………


GEORGENEWS on TRUTH Social – 7:16pm Eastern…





Fake.  Fake fake fake fake F A K E.













So this was released.  Checking the comments – no one is awake – on either side.  Seeing such words/statements – makes no sense at this point.  Enough pandering.  





Here We Go: Justice Department Says More Classified Records May Be Missing in Trump Probe



Locally there is a new commercial pushing the latest and greatest – and includes the sentiment that it’s safe and all a child may feel is tired but that will go away and he will feel just fine.  The smarmy and evil oozing from the people talking was palpable.

CDC Data Show ‘Local and Systemic Reactions’ Were Reported in More Than Half of Children Following COVID-19 Vaccination



NDA’s expire 9/11
Remember NDAs lifting isn’t just for Stellar, it applies to all major companies and governments worldwide. This is tied to the bigger declas that triggers the Event and RV

Will the NDA expiration be like Protocol Voting Days where it’s the START that allows things to slowly reveal themselves over months? Or will it be a shotgun start where the intel floodgates are released? Dunno. Guess we will all find out together soon 🔍👀🙏



So…….No schumann updates (interesting the physical symptoms I began having 2 days ago when it went black) ~ but we do have a new San…….homesickness….been stuck in an energy of manifestation that has “refused to budge”………got that right….been stuck in that energy for awhile – about to change dramatically.  

#capricorn #tarot #intuitivereading

Capricorn – The birds will lead you to them.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.