Some finds for 9.9.22


local talk:  distress over having to wait hours in line for the latest poke.  No joke.  I am truly in hell here…………












May be an image of text that says 'Dear Rock, I WIN! Paper'




10 days after Queen Elizabeth II death






160 people arrested in Florida during human trafficking sting, includes teachers and Disney employees

160 people arrested in Florida during human trafficking sting, includes teachers and Disney employees

Our favorite law enforcement officer is out doing the Lord’s work. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd held a press conference this morning, outlining the 160 people…


9.23.21 it was said –  “not another year here”………..allies turned off the schumann, eh?  hmmm…………..



another pondering hmm….


9-9-22 🌪️ Q The Storm Rider

With yesterday’s public death announcement
of the long dead QE2
& the Pope’s recall, 2 weeks ago,
of ALL central banking system assets across Earth
to be returned to the Vatican bank —
comes the imminent collapse
of the global deep state demons;
their banks, governments, corporations, countries — ALL 💥


👇 QTSR 2 pages




Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

One thought on “Some finds for 9.9.22”

  1. Hi Victoria, this just came in my email today & thought of you. Haven’t even listened yet and you probably are doing all of it anyways, but just in case there’s new info thought I’d drop the link as I know you & your fam are really effected by the “shedding”. I hope it offers some help 🙂 Take care thanks for always posting cool stuff

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