More powerful finds….


Anon up is still messed up.  Cyber wars going on.  Google trying to tell me it’s a dangerous site.  Google.  Telling me a truther site.  Is dangerous.

laugh-joke | Believers Portal


Check out this powerful video – dropped tonight by J Mc.  Simulation.  Virus.  Exit.  A recent drop he shared spoke of Home.

It’s also his birthday.  He shared a video of him singing Sinatra’s “It Was a Very Good Year” – which many of us knows it begins ‘When I was seventen….’









Newsom’s Office Refuses to Say Whether CA Governor is Quarantining After Two of His Children Test Positive For Covid-19


Governor Abbott Deploys DPS Troopers, National Guard to Build Barricade Along Border Around Del Rio Amid Surge of Illegal Aliens


I know some say this creates more division.  I say it can help create unity by facing the Truth for Truth can be a great unifier.  

Former Vice-President WHO European Advisory Group: “Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous – Should be Quarantined” (Video)


Sharing because my patience/understanding for parents STILL DOING THIS is tapped out.  Yes I get parents need to work and need money but how many are willing and ENGAGING in this abuse – the line has to be drawn.  Unite.  Refuse as groups.  Our children’s well being is #1.  PERIOD.  I saw someone share an image of their child with an anti-mask t-shirt wearing a face mask that says the mask is useless – saying how  proud they are of the child.  I spoke up and said take off that damn mask and let your child breath.  END THE ABUSE.  And stop using children to make a political statement.  Jesus……

Child Abuse: Shocking Video Shows Crying Toddler at New York Daycare Forced to Wear Face Mask


Current cyber threat map (a lot of attacks from the US to Israel/Mossad – and India)….And Virginia to Montana – that’s strange….Some really strange patterns showing up atm….





Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.