We’re seeing the end of the old……


May be an image of text that says '12:22 12:22 A 516 LTE $40/hr Hospital CNA's needed in Washington! EXpress PROFESSIONALS HEALTHCARE $40/hr CNA's needed to work at PeaceHealth Hospitals! **CNA HOSPITAL CONTRACTS** SW Washington Medical Center: Vancouver, WA St. Johns Medical Center: Longview, WA -12hr Day/Eve and 12hr Eve/Nights! -36hrs/wk 13 weeks -ASAP Starts! -COVID Vaccines required for these facilities!'

This is going to be “their” tactic as “they” lose tens of thousands of Patriot’s who align with Freedom.  The end is crumbling quickly – which is leading to others uniting their services to create New – which I love – which is what I have been calling forth for over 20 years.  PMA’s are “in my face” a lot atm and are popping up all over the place.  I would love to be part of a new business – focused on healing – holistic.  New tech.  First I need healing myself.  Energetically my ability to deal with anything of the old is just gone.  So I’m in this limbo place – waiting for something new to heal this mind/body of mine so I can then step into the new phase of my experience.  I honestly don’t know what else to do atm.  Some are struggling heavily to hold the faith – seeing that.  Difficult to be around – especially while I am, overall, so laser-focused on the experience I want.

Saw this – overall aligning with it:

“We all know the world is crazy right now. The great divide has never been more obvious.
We have people around the world sliding down the guided narrative while those who are not stand in stunned disbelief.
“Is this really the world I live in now?”
Yes. Yes it is.
For many of us, what we are seeing is quite literally the reason we are here.
As humanity wakes up, as the winds of Galactic change begin to stir, EVERYTHING is coming up to the surface. The good, the bad, the ugly.
This is needed. It didn’t just flip into this “new normal”, the parasitic domination and control energies have always been here. Nothing has changed, other than its ability to hide.
Fighting against this system is exactly how it has stayed in control throughout human history.
We came here to flip the table and build a new Earth. Did you think it would be easy?
Did you think disentangling a fully embedded parasite inside of the human collective would be pretty?
A parasite is only able to be hidden if it is an unknown. The second anyone realizes they have a tick feeding off of them, that is the day the tick no longer is allowed to be there and effort is put into making this happen.
We need the chaos. We need the hopelessness of trying to work inside of the levels these problems are created in. Because a New Earth is being born.
As humanity wakes up, as we move into this highly charged space in our Galaxy, as the Sun begins to broadcast new energies, humanity has much more conscious awareness of the shift.
Humanity is beginning to vibrate the frequencies of the new paradigm…and it is dissolving the reality we knew around us.
Your focus is paramount. Fighting the old world will only keep it here longer. Does this mean we ignore what is happening? Absolutely not. We need to know where and what the parasite exists and what it exists for in order to work effectively.
We can put up incredibly powerful boundaries without being inside of war. Without furthering the divide.
The deeper you go within, the more you face your fear with love, the more “space” you create for the new energies bathing the planet right now.
Wanderer. Old soul. Starseed. Remember who you are. When fully realized, you are the architect of your own reality, able to manifest and build anything your heart desires instantly.
The tools of the new paradigm are not physical and you have EVERYTHING needed already.
Breathe in the New Earth. Feel it in your bones.
Bridge the Sun, through you and shine it through the atoms of the world everywhere you go.
Many are stuck in the old systems. This is OK. You used to be there to before you woke up. This is needed.
Let yourself fall into the majesty of your inner world as you navigate the outer.
This is how we dissolve the parasitic construct.”
And this one:
“And all of this energy movement, especially with the solar flares and geomagnetic storms, can make your muscles hurt, create stiffness in your joints, make you feel stiff and sore. I’m feeling that, are you? If you work out a lot you may want to tone it down for the next few days, until this energy settles down a bit because you are going to be extra tired.”
Energies continue to build to something and my gawd am I feeling it.  Just want to rest/sleep and be left alone (unless I so feel otherwise).  Body feeling achy.  Got “the balm” for that – blend of CBD, essential oils and herbs – locally made.  That and arnica assist greatly.  I did say about 3 years ago I felt the closer we got to the end of it here the more I would need to sleep.  I also am open to NOT having that experience.  I’m also deeply desiring to dive into new opportunities now.  Open to what comes my way.

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.