Q ~ 2/5/20



People actually believe those responsible for the attempted coup [coup attempt] of a duly elected sitting US President will go unpunished?
End to our Constitutional Republic?
No equal justice under the law?
No accountability?
Escape unscathed?
Buckle up!

Remember That the Democrats Sat While You Were Celebrated Last Night

I end a lot of articles about how the Democrats really feel about you by telling you to vote accordingly, but Trump’s State of the Union speech highlighted the Democrat’s utter contempt for President Donald Trump, you, and this country last night as they sat through almost every applause line that celebrated you doing well.

As the GOP highlighted in a video they posted to Twitter, the Democrats heard about the all-time low unemployment levels of the black community, the Hispanic community, the young adult community, and more. This should be a reason to celebrate. We should see our elected leaders getting to their feet and showing support, but instead only half the room decided to stand.

The other half, the Democrats, sat still, arms folded, and practically seethed at times.

Reminder for Democrats: It’s ok to applaud good news. pic.twitter.com/wH0DKNqx3D

— GOP (@GOP) February 5, 2020


Patriotism _ Showing Love of Country or Contempt for which It Stands?.jpg

Screenshot_2020-02-05 Ian Miles Cheong on Twitter And there it is The single largest donor of Shadow Inc , the company behi[…].png

In case anybody missed it, it will surprise no one to learn that Soros is the #1 funding source behind Shadow:

Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.