Today’s Energies ~ 2/4/20 ~ Another weird one


so another weird, intense day today energetically.  felt like i was buzzing. itching all over.  sensitive to hearing the words of others.  intense need for silence and essentially to be left alone in hibernation and peace.

i read people speaking of feeling nauseous today (so much so a couple people said they threw up).  people feeling intoxicated.  anxiety high.

how much longer is this going to continue?  a woman can only ground and do yoga and stretch and burn resin for so long.  telling myself, as one person put it, that this will be worth it in the long run.

yellow rose is likely correct in that these experiences we are having as people who are empathetic/sensitive to forces of nature, the cosmos and life in general, are not all ours but the collective.  given there is far more to US than the us who is here now – well who knows what the totality of US is feeling/experiencing now and who knows how much of “that” is entering our space here.

so on days like today it feels challenging to be in charge of our own personal ship, so to speak.  here is the latest schumann.



Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.

2 thoughts on “Today’s Energies ~ 2/4/20 ~ Another weird one”

  1. I got a major energy download last night (Cal), that went up and down my chakras. Felt it in my crown first, and then it went all through my body. It felt good though! A very high energy frequency!

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