Schumann ~ Approx. 17 hour “black out”


Missing data?  Timeline hopping/collapsing/merging?  Intentional black out caused by a glitch or white hat or parasite control?  Almost 17 hours of it……All I can tell you is that today was far better for me energetically than the previous day (s) – for all in this house.  Given the purging I did – the releasing – and the clarity I received after feeling so squeezed – I’m saying that either this incident on the schumann is just a coincidence as to why I had the experience I did – or it helped attribute TO it.  Just had an image of a windshield wiper wiping away debris on a window.  The truth will be known. I will leave you with this:  right before I sat down to check on the schumann, i thought “i am feeling a shift.  i am feeling quite – peaceful.”  And one last thought:  at President Trump’s rally today in PA, he talked about the swamp – and he said after Nov. 3rd, their heads will explode and essentially, they will surrender.  Anyone else get chills reading those words I just typed?


Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.