Today’s Reflection ~ including an instant manifestation


Earlier today, I was sitting at the table eating lunch with my daughter.  She had been chatting away as is very typical and lately, more than ever, my mind has not just needed but required a certain amount of silence.  I was starting to get overwhelmed and somewhere in the back of my mind I called out to “please let me hear my saxophone song play!”  It’s a beautiful, haunting piece called “La Sua Bellezza (his beauty)”.

Well, I kid you not – within seconds I hear it begin to play on the soundscape channel.  (picture below)  Talk about instant manifestation!  Thank you very much!

One of the members in the household had a dream last night and saw numbers that corresponded with July 4th at 9.  Another member had a dream of a funny dancing chicken-type Being looking through a portal hole – all to showcase some humor.

I felt a shift from yesterday.  I still feel though i am getting ready to sneeze – holding in energy in anticipation.

Moving on…..

I wanted to share something from Sister Jules about the Starlink Satellites.  I find her theory fascinating and interestingly enough, earlier today I as well was thinking about the Starlink.

Here are her thoughts in her own words: “I just had a realization… “STAR”link is being set up for the WW, and ONE of the things it will do is be their STARS! Our CURRENT stars are part of one of their systems – the constellations are part of HERE, and they have PEOPLE we call “stars”, who are astrologically connected to those big stars in the sky we look at on the dome, and they literally “hold” that energy there in the program – like they are responsible via their satanic contracts, to act precisely according to that powerful astrological sign holding the energy for that star… any way, all these systems being taken down. So the WW will expect stars in the sky, but they won’t get THESE ones. The constellations will be ended, and those satanic locks won’t bind our souls and connect us to those archetypes. But WW will still see STARLINK! It will still be PART of the twinkly things they see in the sky… they will still have a system, and this net will be one of them. But no more mah net, and other systems like the constellation stars! I never rattle it off the way I’m seeing it but it is cool for them! And their stars will move and do fun things and they will know the system and what it is offering their world. They won’t be tricked into thinking those lights are something else, but they will do more than the stars we see. They will do light shows, and they will have project BB but for global transmissions – truth shown to the world, etc. All through this skylink tech.”

What I had been thinking about earlier in the day was how Starlink will be used for the Sky Event (which I still feel has more than one meaning)….I thought back to the dream I had last week where i saw it all go down in the sky and thought perhaps some of that was Starlink together with The Alliance.  I also recalled the dream i had about 3 years ago where I was literally seeing the “stars” fall from the sky and had no fear – just relief and happiness.

If we are in a matrix – a fake simulation/copy of the Original – which everything in me says we are – then it has to come down.  Period.  Just like taking down a movie set.

Now as far as Starlink…

I was never a fan of Musk.  I didn’t like how he essentially stole the name “TESLA” and used it to make inferior products that certainly did not use real Tesla Tech.  However, I am sensing and seeing he has either flipped or is controlled.  Of course none of know for sure because we don’t have access to the actual movie script being played out.  (btw i am still for pulling the plug on the projector).

I was having a conversation with Brother Rick on my walk tonight….both of us commenting on how we are noticing flowers blooming that don’t normally bloom until summer.  Peonies (which here normally bloom in july) are out…the Heliotrope….Wysteria….the Irises (which are usually a mid summer plant)…..Rhodie bushes – it’s almost as though the flowers all want to be in the last scene….it hasn’t been unusually warm overall – pretty average – dryer than normal – and cool nights.  He also commented he was up at 2am and saw an unknown light – same experience we had a few nights ago…and the energy was wonderful.  His theory?  It’s the REAL light coming through the matrix – the real light from Home.  I happen to love that theory. Enough of FAKE!

While we have seen two narratives playing out, I am not buying their fear. I am not buying their hype.  The agenda of forced vaccines and mass mind control and other horror stories just will not be happening.  Too many of us are awake and not consenting.  They are pushing as long as they can but as far as full manifestation?  NOT HAPPENING.

I sense the war – and I knew from the time I was small that I was here for something BIG and wonderful – but I would have to “wait” until later in my adult years to experience it.  I knew I was here to experience an END to the old.

And I feel we are indeed there.



and for the beautiful, haunting song….

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Author: Victoria1111

Truthseeker. Philosopher. Commander of Freedom. Writer. Musician. Composer. Above all I Am A Creator.