Blinded By The Light ~ New Crystalline Systems Fully Online

Editor’s note:  Well this may explain why these ancient issues of abandonment and needing validation are very much in my heart at the moment.  I still don’t know how she knows these things of the energy nature but I can usually find something that resonates with me.  This piece is certainly no exception.  In fact, I have so much to say about this piece, I am going to highlight/bold those standing out for me and adding my own comments.  I have a lot of admiration for Lisa and the pure love she exudes. When I feel my own insecurities kick in reading her words or listening to her videos, I tell myself I have had far more earthly lower-vibe lives so I’m a little more dysfunctionally human.  

And we “thought” it was POWER-FUL before…. We ain’t seen nothing yet. Here we go loves….

The completion of out “newly” Christed/Crystalline Gridded StarGate Systems have enhanced the amount of light “delivered” all throughout our Galaxies, to our Earth and our Earthly Physical Body Forms for the upliftment of humankind here and every dimensional existence simultaneously as well. The abolish all unconscious everything at a rate like we’ve not experienced in this incarnation yet….

Walking around foggy groggy on a daily basis (again, for we did this years ago), staying “high” and experiencing density in our physical body/reality more strongly so that we can purify, cleanse, clear all of those programs that we held deep within…..

This is a continual process where we are always ascending into higher light/less dense vibrational realities, where we expand and contract continually as Gaia/Galaxies breathe, shift, activate, move….. as do we. As Cosmic Light BEings, as SOUL’s emerging from within the physical body fully and integrating with these physical forms that were not originally constructed to hold this amount of PURE LIGHT, this profound sacred and powerful energy of LOVE, this is a continual process of all that is not pure, all that is not love, all that still holds lack/separation in any way is activated to dissolve, cleanse, clear the physical form and field of consciousness all around you/us…..

Every time our StarGates activate (we have our own StarGate System as well), our body goes through a huge tuning process, a huge body-field alignment to re-align everything on a higher dimensional plane of existence, where we jump timelines in exponential ways…… this enhanced StarGate System Upgrade means that this enhances our capABILITIES to do all of this much easier, faster, instantly…. IF WE ARE ONLINE OURSELVES….. (i need to increase my “online” focus)

Coming online with NEW Earth’s Energetic/Crystalline Grid Systems, means a re-vamping of all. This re-vamping process works through our physical bodies, our physical realities our everything…. our intentional, conscious and totally inner-aligned participation is KEY for us all.

This Blinding Light is as all things are, the opposite of what it seems. While OUR LIGHT WILL BE AMPLIFIED beyond anything possible before, shining the LIGHT on all things that were unconscious before, radiating out soooo much LOVE and LIGHT that it’s presence cannot be mistaken anymore…. it is also how the VEILS OF AMNESIA ARE LIFTED for all…….. Which means, more foggy groggy, more sleep, more slowing down, more presence, more VISIBILITY (blinded means we can finally see) ….. for us all.  The presence of PURE SOURCE LIGHT means that all things “not this” shall be visible easier and it’s what we DO that matters here.  (foggy groggy needing to go slow yes yes….and all things not Love being seen easier…yes yes)

PURE LOVE sees no boundaries, limits and has no polarity, no struggle, no stories, no fight. It needs not defend or “try” to do anything at all… It JUST IS…..

PURE LOVE is also the most POWER-ful energy there is…. it can obliterate all things…. just by BEing….. and anything that is of a different density can be dismantled/dissolved easily…… for all things “less” come from a place of separation and fear…. and this might be LOUD, obnoxious, forceful and even manipulative…. yet does not stand a chance when one STANDS AS/IN FULL LOVE and says “NO”….. not anymore…. I CHOOSE a different journey/path/existence NOW……. (i have been practicing this – when faced with situations where another is attempting to control or dominate, instead of dominating back/cranking up the voice volume, i am going within to find my Voice – the real one – and being from that place of Love and asserting the “no” boundary that way.  it does work.  and i have had it done to me as well.)

These very powerful and softer StarGate activations shall become more frequent now. This does shake loose all density and activate all separation/unconsciousness to surface….. this does CHANGE PHYSICAL MATTER FORM at an exponential rate, this does affect the physical earth, physical bodies, physical realities….. for all of these things are a culmination of physical matter and vibrational frequencies….. and when these higher/lighter/finely tuned ENCODED LIGHT FREQUENCIES permeate then the physical dimensional plane begins to de-materialize & re-materialize more substantially….. as all vibrates in and out different physical dimensions at an unprecedented rate as well.

Your eyes, mind and body…. must open up fully to understand…. each will start to SEE what was not comprehensible before. Comprehending Multi-Dimensional EXISTENCE to the full magnitude of HOW ALL TRULY IS….. for our human (in the beginning) is mind-blowing…. which is the point. Our hearts must be FULLY open for our minds to be FULLY OPEN too….. what was previously “not possible, not real yet”…. more shall start to UNDERSTAND how REAL this really is….. 

Collectively many are starting to awaken to “debate” what is true and real. This is the “beginning” of the heart finally opening, yet for awhile it’s all ego mind until the heart fully opens for one’s higher-mind-consciousness to activate for full understanding to occur., for the human (mind-driven) cannot discern what is true and real yet. They still look at the outside reality first and need “proof” or to prove something, not realizing that what is REAL is a culmination of inner beliefs, focused energy and vibrational frequencies held in the physical body, AS WELL AS the INVISIBLE (energy) that can only be seen/hear/experienced through a PURE OPEN HEART-MIND presence….. (i really needed to read this as lately i have struggled with needing proof – for myself – or proving my inner experiences to others as well.)

This is a process. It takes awhile to expand beyond “physical tangible proof” realities by relaxing into a FIELD OF ENERGY to allow for new/higher dimensional realities to come forth. Visibility is through heart-activated senses, feeling and inner hearing/seeing that occurs when the human mind is allowed to relax and “get out of the way”….. Truth is no longer what it once was…. Truth is what we see/know inside….. It takes PURE alchemy, mastery and patience to CREATE VIBRATIONALLY AND WAIT for all to MATERIALIZE INTO PHYSICAL FORM (last night in bed, during my nightly meditation, i again heard “study alchemy”.  the patience thing too….yes yes yes groan groan groan…lol)  as we continually raise our own vibration, focus on our own vibration, releasing everything dense in order to FINALLY VIBRATE into/onto a higher density plane PHYSICALLY….

Control is by way of surrendering our human to allow our highest aspects to come through/emerge from within us so that we can actually EXPERIENCE all of the magic, (there’s that word “magic” again – i keep seeing and hearing in my mind – to remember i am magic and Life is magic)..magnificence, brilliance and abundance that is infinitely available to us all….. Vulnerability becomes our POWER, letting go becomes freedom returned, (again, words my higher self has been trying to pass along to my stubborn self….let myself be vulnerable….let go/surrender….)  believing what’s not visible to humans is a GIFT that we have…. our BELIEF is so strong that it CAUSES the physical to shape into form for us. (i LOVE that line – also frightens me some as some of my beliefs aren’t so pretty – more work more inner work…) because all we are doing is believing what is already real, what has already occurred, through utilizing our “prophetic abilities” to see the other dimensions first and then choose to activate and anchor them in our physical here. Our actions DO this…….

Many are unaware that they are here to OVERCOME all Karmic Debt of all Existences, not just what is visible/occurring in this physical one here. To break those “Vows of Separation” (lack), each one of us must overcome/transcend all through UNITY again. Unity Consciousness is how each does this without struggle/suffering anymore…. Full Unification in every way collapses Separation of all existences and uncleared programming for all to RETURN to their “rightful” PROMISED LAND….

Before we all incarnated/walked-in here, we knew that we were here to GO TO SLEEP and enter the lower density realms of unconsciousness and that this would be a beyond challenging journey of RETURNING TO FULL UNITY/CHRISTED Consciousness again…. and we all agreed, to every bit of this…. This was our Sacred Contract that all now can mark “paid in full” and choose to dissolve/clear that contract instantly and WRITE A WHOLE NEW AWESOME ONE…

This is always a FRESH START, an opportUNITY for unimaginable exquisiteness available to us all. The only difference is “how” and “when” we CHOOSE/ALLOW this to occur for us all…..

This GateWay OPENING NOW is a NEW BEGINNING ….. are you truly truly truly ready and embracing with every thing that you are? Powerful is an understatement. Buckle up and let go…..

There is soooooo very much PURE LOVE available when you allow yourself to FULLY REMEMBER from INSIDE and to experience the magic and mystical too. ♥ I love you.

Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼
Guardian/Gatekeeper/Gridkeeper/Light Anchor/Frequency Holder/WayShower/Embodier ∞

Planetary Energy Update as Spikes of High Cosmic Energy Continue


Most definitely not wanting anything to do with 3D, especially drama, which thankfully is much easier for me to laugh at.  

Irma K. Sawyer – For those who have been preparing energetically through previous years of the Shift, the impact to you physically and emotionally may be lower. Your role now may include support for others.

Physical and emotional Symptoms may be similar to those of Solar Flares, with the only exception being these spikes seem to be somewhat less dehydrating overall to the body, but quality hydration is still needed. Also be sure the body is in receipt of proper nutrients, especially minerals. The list is long, but the most common symptoms are: headaches, digestive changes, fatigue and/or changes in sleep patterns.

Lucid dreaming, telepathy and OBEs are increased at this time. Also brain fog and spaciness as the consciousness responds to being literally in two places at once. Previous ego conflicts may feel especially absurd, obsolete and even laughable. Although some scientists may dispute time as actually moving faster, it certainly may appear that it is.

As usual, Empaths and Sensitives are often processing these shifts before the majority of everyone else.

When the energies are exceptionally high, both births and physical transitions may be on the increase as an energetic entrance/exit portal is created.

Continue reading here.

Energy Update ~ As The Schumann Resonance Rises, All Are Being Invited to Wake Up!

By Jelelle Awen, 05/11/2017

“All are being invited to WAKE UP!”… of those messages I received that feels like a newspaper headline broadcast from the Divine Source News Station that we are all connected into as souls. ALL are being invited to awaken to the remembrance of this connection and to All That Is and to No-Thing-Ness too. ALL are being invited to awaken to their sacred humanity, the embodiment of their higher self (a higher dimensional fractal from Divine Source that we ‘left behind’ when we came into human body here) along with the maturation of our emotional bodies and healing of our soul legacy experiences from other lifetimes.

The invitation for this waking up is coming primarily in the form of increasingly higher vibrational frequency love and light waves that we’ve all been feeling the effects of, in the last six months especially. The schumann resonance (which can read more about here: has been peaking at 120 lately….THIS IS HIGH! We are still adjusting as it rose from its consistent 7.83 HZ to 15-25 HZ in 2014 and now THIS level, which has never been experienced in our history of recording it. It seems to be a sign, some ‘physical proof’ of the higher vibrational frequencies that are caused by and are helping to cause the awakening of humanity beyond our previous chosen caps, traps, and matrixes that limited our consciousness.

Our DNA is waking up too, those sleepy strands that we put to bed after the fall of Atlantis (which is actually STILL happening beyond the linear time picture). Waking up DNA gives us access to so much more of our capacity as Infinite Creators, Infinite Awareness, and Infinite Possibilities in human form. Waking up DNA helps us to remember, connect with, and integrate our multidimensional aspects that exist in the NOW, waiting to infuse us with expanded capacities in all areas.

Our bodies continue to adjust to these increases, upgrading from carbon-based to crystalline frequencies, transforming into light bodies at the cellular level. Our adjusting bodies ask us for connection…for us to feel and hear and respond to what their shifting needs are. To be able to sleep when needed, especially, as that creates a ‘reboot’ and integration time. To connect with nature seems to help our bodies A LOT through this transition. For me, it has been daily trips to the beach, to bury my hands and feet in the sand, take in the sun codes, feel the salty water and ocean breeze. If I had access to forests, I would walk in the trees, put my palms on the trunks, connect in with their root systems. Even meditating, journeying to scenes with nature and the five elements can help right now. We offer many guided meditations with these settings on our SoulFullHeart Experience You Tube Channel.

The increased level of light waves seems to create a sense of being juiced on caffeine, like there is all this EXTRA energy somehow if you tap into it from a soul place. It provides juice for creative projects, service of love projects, and clearer communication and access to the bigger picture and vision around these projects. For me, I have felt like I am constantly being downloaded creative ideas to respond to….I am getting better at navigating these downloads so I can also rest, meditate, feel the priorities, respond to service, be and feel balanced.

“ALL are being Fast Tracked!” is the other Divine Source news headline. Gaia is being Fast Tracked, so of course so are we as her human guests. Fast tracked seems to mean an acceleration of the soul awakenings that you’ve been experiencing as your consciousness raises out of 3D reality processing and into 4D. Decompartmentalizations and bursting bubbles too that your 3D self may have created around your awakenings. The previous compartments and bubbles that ‘held’ the awakening from creating a rumble or changes in your life can be dissolved and collapsed FAST right now with linear time meaning nothing in terms of actual processing and digestion and decision making. Your soul is being supported to burst out of ANY container and express through you in any and all ways possible that serve love.

All this changing and transition brings our attention to our emotional body and the aspects of us that are still anchoring into ‘past’ traumas and pains, freeze frame stuck there with feelings of fear, resistance, being lost, disconnection, anxiety. These aspects of us NEED our growing awakening self (our soul infused self) to BE with them, to feel them, and to bring them into the current with us, into the now with us, into the new timeline with us. 

ALL are being invited to wake up and to fast track this awakening. To enter this higher vibrational frequency timeline means letting go and most likely collapsing the one you are currently living. Shifting with love and inner negotiation into this NEW one with a NEW earth experience with an increasingly mature emotional body, experience of a deeply nourishing inner and outer sacred union, a light-based human body, and an inhabited frequency of our sacred humanity. A timeline which offers us increasing experience of our essence as Infinite Love walking, talking, and BEing here!


Jelelle Awen is an emoto-spiritual teacher, sacred feminine and union facilitator, soul scribe, waySHOWer, galactic love ambassador, and co-creator and teacher of the SoulFullHeart Way Of Life. She is author of  Keep Waking Up! Awakening Journeys To Avalon And Beyond and an upcoming book,Sacred Human, Arising Wonder. Visit for more information about space holding sessions, group calls, videos, community, etc.

Sourced from here.

Bringing Back All Of Our “Selves” Into The NOW


Sunset, Cloud, Meditation, Buddhism

I awoke this morning, and as I do most mornings when I awaken (and before I go to sleep a night), I check in to see what I am thinking in my brain and what I am feeling in my body.

Get quiet, focus and let go is the message I receive now.  All the time.  

As I laid there, went within, I felt that wonderful sinking feeling I get when I know I am detaching from outside and diving to Pure Inner.  Then my mate, who was still in bed as well, moved and made a noise.  I immediately jumped out of my zone and had the desire to put my right hand on him.  This is a habit of mine I have had for as long as I can remember.  Being in my own space, but if someone comes along and says something or does something, even if they don’t ask for my attention, I will drop what I am doing, in varying degrees, and switch my focus on the other person.

Learned behavior.  And while it is a useful behavior to implement at times, it certainly is not something that is authentically me.  It is based on the “I should” mantra of illusion.  And I have let that line of thought go.



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Frequency Update – “Schumann resonance hits a massive 112 Hz!” – May 10th 2017

Published by Higher Discernment on May 10th 2017

The Schumann resonance spiked at around 112 Hz two days ago, May 8th 2017.

What does the spike in the Schumann resonance mean?

In 1952, German physicist and professor W.O. Schumann hypothesized there were measurable electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere that existed in the cavity (or space) between the surface of the earth and the ionosphere. According to NASA, the ionosphere is an abundant layer of electrons, ionized atoms, and molecules that stretches from approximately 30 miles above the surface of the earth to the edge of space, at about 600 miles. This dynamic region grows and shrinks (and further divides into sub-regions) based on solar conditions and is a critical link in the chain of Sun-Earth interactions. It’s this “celestial power station” that makes radio communications possible.

In 1954, Schumann and H.L. König confirmed Schumann’s hypothesis by detecting resonances at a main frequency of 7.83 Hz; thus, the “Schumann resonance” was established by measuring global electromagnetic resonances generated and excited by lightning discharges in the ionosphere. While this phenomenon is caused by lightning in the atmosphere, many are not aware of the importance of this frequency as a tuning fork for life. In other words, it acts as a background frequency influencing the biological circuitry of the mammalian brain.

As far back as we know, the Earth’s electromagnetic field has been protecting all living things with this natural frequency pulsation of 7.83 Hz. You can think of this as the earth’s heartbeat. The ancient Indian Rishis referred to this as OHM, or the incarnation of pure sound. Whether by coincidence or not, the frequency of 7.83 Hz also happens to be a very powerful frequency used with brain wave entrainment as it’s associated with low levels of alpha and the upper range of theta brain wave states. This frequency has also been associated with high levels of hypnotizability, suggestibility, meditation, and increased HGH (human growth hormone) levels, in addition to increased cerebral blood-flow levels while this frequency is being stimulated.

It would seem then that our nervous system can be influenced by the earth’s electromagnetic field. Maybe that’s why being in nature has always been so restorative and healing. Disconnecting from a typical city setting by reducing our exposure to crowds, traffic, work, and routine life—and instead getting out in natural surroundings—can slow our brain waves down from the aggressive, vigilant, anxious, and impatient states that are seen in higher ranges of beta brain waves to more restorative alpha waves.

On January 31, 2017, for the first time in recorded history, the Schumann resonance reached frequencies of 36+ Hz. It was considered an anomaly when in 2014 this frequency rose from its usual 7.83 Hz to somewhere in the 15-25 Hz levels—so a jump from 7.83 Hz to 36+ Hz is a big deal. That’s more than a five-fold increase in resonant frequency levels. What does this mean to us as inhabitants of Mother Earth? According to neuroscience, frequency recordings of 36+ Hz in the human brain are more associated with a stressed nervous system than a relaxed and healthy one.

It has long been suspected that human consciousness can impact the magnetic field of the earth and create disturbances in it (and vice versa), particularly during moments of high anxiety, tension, and passion. If you aren’t aware that we’re living in a time of high anxiety, tension, and passion, then you probably are not aware. In addition to the highly charged political, social, economic, and personal environments of our current time, many people have also been feeling like time is speeding up. This might explain the intense disturbance most of us are feeling at this time in history. Could the drastic rise in frequency have something to do with this?

Continue reading here.

Schumann Resonance ~ All Time High

Editor’s note:  120hz!!!  I remember when it went to 90hz around easter and how I felt then.  Today?  We woke up and both my mate and I said “wow what is going on today??  All new levels of KAPOW and WOW!”.  All new levels of symptoms. Unbelievable level of exhaustion – mates body pain was significantly increased, headache for he and our girl – I even had some body pains which I don’t normally experience.  I also felt like I was walking in a pure dream state and more than once had to tell myself “i am not dreaming ~ i am awake”.  I grounded and released a lot today ~ spent much of the day outside in the sun.  I find as I do this with these increases in energy frequencies, I am able to integrate the New into this physical body of mine.  

Energy Update, All New High


Organic Timelines of Ascension and Unified Action

May 6, 2017

Sandra Walter

Blessings Beloved Light Tribe ~

Our Light level took a jump this week as the May shift began. Gateway passages and unified Grid focus are consistent now, however unified focus during May 9 -11, and the very amplified passage of May 19-21 is requested. Creative energies return to us now, purified, renewed and ready to manifest the New. Use this Light, it aligns you with the Christed timelines.

Organic Timelines of Ascension

For clarity, here is a basic outline of Timeline dynamics for a planetary consciousness. While possibilities are infinite for an individual experience on a planet, we still work within the parameters of the Primary timelines for our creations and experiences here. Those parameters change as the planet raises in vibration, un-veiling grander opportunities already set in place. Future aspects along the same timeline leave surprises and revelations for us to discover. Timelines reflect the same structure as our torus fields, nested within each other like the planetary torus fields, Solar system, Galaxy, and Universes. See the Torus Fields video for clarity.

Timelines can look like spirals or the loops of a torus field light strand. When I received the 2017 Gateways back in December, the timeline split appeared like DNA spirals splitting apart from each other. A fine representation of how our DNA enables our ability to experience multiple dimensions and timelines simultaneously.

Primary Timelines

Primary planetary timelines are interdimensional; they transverse past, present, and future dimensional bandwidths. The overarching intention of a planetary timeline – such as the return of Christ consciousness – may span millions of years in multiple densities. Even if the planet drops in vibration, the primary timelines remain as a possibility.

Primary Christed Ascension timelines are now amplifying, gaining strength due to Lightworker activities, Gridworkers, Gatekeepers, the Solar and Cosmic stargate openings, and benevolent Higher realm involvement in the Universal rewrite.

By living in the present and embodying the future self – the Higher Self, Christed Self, Galactic Self, etc. (depending on your Soul’s intention) – you resonate with a Primary timeline which traverses dimensions. These higher timelines gain strength as the photonic rays activate remembering of the Ascension process.

Continue reading here.

Our Higher Self Is Now Leading The Way

Editor’s note:  I would not have posted this a few days ago as at the time, I had more or less told my Higher Self to “piss off”.  But then as I purged and surrendered, I handed back the reigns and said “please take over!  My brain can’t figure this out any longer!”  So let us just hope energies are allowing for this to occur as I know many of us have felt nothing from our Higher Selves for awhile now.  

By Sophie Gregoire, 05/07/2017

Your life force is back and it’s leading you somewhere that looks like all the puzzle’s pieces come together. Listen. Be bold. See big.


Since August / September 2015 you’ve been walking a very long way. You’ve followed strange impulses that your mind couldn’t understand.

I remember taking planes and buses out of complete, strange, surrendered and guided callings, and to places I had never heard of before.

You, and I, have also made important life decisions and significant moves in the complete unknown, and without any assurance of ever being caught.

You have almost followed the wind, signs and omens without phantoming why and grasping who was pulling the thread of You.

You faced moments of intense despair and fear, because you had the feeling that you were losing so much but were gaining nothing at the same time, and all that happened with no promise of a tangible light at the end of the tunnel of those changes.

In a way, you’ve been caught by the wind of the Spiritual Bootcamp.

That was incredibly painful sometimes, but that was the pain of your Rational Mind – the pain of not understanding, the pain which comes from embracing such discomfort in a row, sometimes so fast or for the first time in a lifetime.

You thought that Life was moving you, or that you were guided by Divine Forces of the Unseen, by the realm of the Mystical, or even taken by a hurricane of madness sometimes –but as you’re seeing now, it’s your Higher Self that was leading Your way.

We would like to explain below why this process happened and where you stand now.


During these unsettled times, your Rational Mind has been trained, pushed, challenged, left with no air until it relinquished and stopped leading your way in Life — and You could finally trust and surrender enough to let your True, Higher Self lead.

You have attended the Initiation of taming the mind, so that now your Spirit may lead your life free from all the fears, questions and interrogations that were once holding you back.

She or He had to take you to places, people, situations and lessons apparently out of the blue in order to make you see things, learn and heal so that you could ascend and get rid off your old own ways – or you wouldn’t have gone because your mind couldn’t grasp the Why-s.

Many of the experiences you’ve been through during that time were about helping you getting rid off fear-based or unhealthy paradigms of relating with Life, with Yourself and with Others.

You needed to be pushed, violently almost, so that you Heal as fast and deeply as possible and reach that state of empty, clear, light Vessel which you are Now. 

There is a sense of Power coming back now. The Reigns of your Path — because everything within you is now merging and becoming One, and about to follow the way, the guidance and soft commands of your Higher Self.

Your mind has now agreed to let your True Self lead the way.

The inner, foggy conflict within you – between your controlling, questioning mind and your true self – is fading. You easily know now who is speaking within you – is it the scared part of you, the one that wants to know and understand or the pure, liberated, walking on the right way back to You? – when a new idea is found within and you can decide to act, or to wait or whatever from there.
You feel your life force is back because now, Your Higher Self is allowed to speak their true voice through you as your mind has agreed to stop interfering. Your mind will only be used as a tool, another kind of drive or engine that will help you move forward BUT ONLY when you decide to call on it — while your True Self is feeling its whole energy BACK and at last entirely Available as the inner conflict within you is now dissipating fast.

Know that your Higher Self was leading the way all of this time so that you can be, here and now, Where and Who You Are. 

Until now nothing really made you “settle”, or “build” what you were longing for… because it wasn’t about that — it was about Clearing the vessel that You are so that your Higher Self can, one day, speak clearly through your human cleansed form and take complete, happy, fulfilling reigns of your life.


You have reached the State of Ascension to your True Self. 

Sourced from here.