End of May Needs


hi everyone.  i did not think i would need to do this but my colloidal silver generator unit is no longer working.  it stopped just as i was making another batch tonight.  i’ve had it about 5 years.  i use this machine regularly.  my mate is also currently having some rashes and other skin-related issues so he has been using this topically and orally.  my child is also battling a cold so i began giving it to her today.  when it rains sometimes it pours.

anyway i can get another basic unit (w/o the extra’s) for $70 (which includes shipping).  if any of you wish to help me out with this purchase, i would be deeply grateful!  please follow the paypal link below.

thank you.

much love,


[wpedon id=”208″ align=”left”]

Butter is Not Just Better, It’s Essential To Modern Human Health


editor victoria’s comment ~ to all of the butter lovers out there – of which i am one.  use only pure butter and coconut oil.


OCTOBER 10, 2018 AT 12:20 AM

Unless you eat like a hunter-gatherer, grass-fed butterfat is an irreplaceable part of a healthy diet, argues the Weston A. Price Foundation. Studies show it protects against heart disease, cancer and bone disease.


Unless you eat organ meats, fish eggs, bugs or blubber — items most civilized people find repulsive — you are missing out on essential nutrients that can be found only in grass-fed butterfat, argues the “politically incorrect” nutrition organization, the Weston A. Price Foundation.

Within the last century, “Diet Dictocrats” have decided that saturated fats, butter chief among them, are to blame for heart disease and cancer, WAP cofounder Sally Fallon says in an article titled “Why Butter is Better.

But butter has been worshiped for its life-sustaining, health-promoting properties for millennia, she argues.

“When Dr. Weston Price studied native diets in the 1930’s he found that butter was a staple in the diets of many supremely healthy peoples,” Fallon writes.

“Isolated Swiss villagers placed a bowl of butter on their church altars, set a wick in it, and let it burn throughout the year as a sign of divinity in the butter. Arab groups also put a high value on butter, especially deep yellow-orange butter from livestock feeding on green grass in the spring and fall. American folk wisdom recognized that children raised on butter were robust and sturdy; but that children given skim milk during their growing years were pale and thin, with ‘pinched’ faces.”

Heart disease was rare in America at the turn of the 20th century, Fallon notes, but between 1920 and 1960, it became America’s number one killer. During the same period, butter consumption plummeted from 18 pounds per person per year to four.

“It doesn’t take a Ph.D. in statistics to conclude that butter is not a cause,” Fallon writes.

In 2015, American butter consumption reached a 40-year-high of 5 pounds per person per year, Fallon noted. New Zealanders consumed 24 pounds!

Meanwhile, only 1 in 20 adults in New Zealand has heart disease, compared to 1 in 4 Americans.

That means New Zealanders consume 5 times as much butter as Americans and have a fifth of the heart disease.

A 2016 Harvard meta-analysis of studies found no association between butter and heart disease and a 1991 survey by the Medical Research Council showed men eating butter had half the risk of developing heart disease as those using margarine.

This is because grass-fed butter has nutrients that protect against heart disease and other diseases, Fallon says.


Eric Raines ~ Energy Update 5/20/19 Attacks on the Divine Feminine have increased in response to massive Sacred Masculine trauma reintegrations.


editor victoria’s comment ~ beautifully put.  spot on.  aligning fully.  i need this one placed right here by my computer so i stay away from the division going on right now – esp. over the abortion issue.  a lot of pain is coming up…..


Unleashing Natural Humanity

Energy Update 5/20/19

Attacks on the Divine Feminine have increased in response to massive Sacred Masculine trauma reintegrations.

I try to steer away from politics directly in these updates and I will continue to hint at or shine awareness where it is needed. Last weeks update I said to watch for warfare in the guise of feminine energy being pushed and what has happened since then is truly unprecedented in the draconian crackdown on the Feminine energies since then.

Whichever side of these issues we fall on does not truly matter in the grander scope of planetary trauma purging, what matters is the space we are holding as we collectively pass through this.

Recognize there is wounding on many sides. Every camp of perception, awareness, political leaning, sociological progression and culture has been attacked. Humanity is compartmentalized into boxes separating “us” from “them”. making it OK to dehumanize those camps that are not “us”.

This is the Great Awakening. This is the Ascension timeline. These are the precursors to the Event.

Did you truly think clearing millennia’s worth of trauma, hatred, fear, anger, shame, guilt and warfare programmed directly into the DNA of the entire species was going to be easy?

We knew what we came here for. Sovereignty. Autonomy. Freedom. Connection. Family. Love. Joy. Wonder. Awe. Co-creation.

As we begin to search for these world changing energies…as we begin to resonate and cultivate these frequencies, we destabilize the systems of density, the frameworks of heavy darkness that perpetuates more darkness.

More light can anchor into the planet, more people can feel it and spontaneously begin to wake up. They begin to purge their trauma and cultivate these higher levels of resonance as well and the quarantine of density around the planet begins to resemble Swiss cheese more and more.

We are watching the healing of ancient wounds in real time. Just like with any wound, we must purge the rot, cleanse the infection before it can heal properly.

What we can do in this time of transition, of awakening and of action is quite simple.

Recognize that many are going to be losing their minds. The light anchoring into the planet is strong enough to begin forcing all levels of programming up to the surface and it will be manifesting itself as something so intense and powerful that it cannot be swept under the rug like it has been.

This will force everything up to the surface and humanity is going to have to collectively look at its skeletons in the closet in broad daylight as the closet disappears.

Now is the time for introspection. Now is the time to compare your inner world with what you are seeing around you. Now is the time to truly go within and ask yourself, “What do I want to see in the world? What would I be proud to hand my children?”

That is not a system of fear, domination and control, but a system of love, abundance and evolution.

Unless we begin to cultivate those energies, we cannot found anything based in those energies.

The world is heading for a phenomenal transition and it is up to each and every one of us on how graceful this transition is achieved.

Do not be silent. Do not let your voice drown out in the dull roar of the program. Hold your space, hold firm to what you know is right, but here is the key. Do not engage in warfare.

You have every right to incredibly powerful and unshakable boundaries, but the key is to hold a smile on your face and upmost love and compassion in your heart.

Fighting for peace is like jumping into a lake to dry off.

Learn how to be peace. Learn how to be love. Strong, yet soft. Gentle, yet inexorable, unstoppable….like the tide, washing everything away.

We have got this!

From my heart to yours 

Some techniques/breathing exercises for stimulating the Vagus Nerve


editor victoria’s comment ~ i am passing these along as a result of listening to Lisa Harrison’s latest video.  if you have not watched it yet or have chosen not to watch it, she made an interesting point about the virus program as being most focused on the Vagus Nerve.  the Vagus Nerve activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is what creates the  calm response.  i see why the creators of this matrix would focus on infecting that part of our bodies – make it more difficult to access the calm response by infecting it.  and i also feel they installed the reptilian brain region in us to put us in the fight/flight/freeze response when faced with a situation that creates fear for us.  stimulating the Vagus Nerve can help remove the virus and keep us in our Natural State of Being.  for those that align i hope these are helpful. love, victoria


Ellie Drake shows you how to stimulate your Vagus Nerve with THIS Breath!

Published on Oct 9, 2016


here are some other breathing exercises as well as yoga positions:


written by Anna Hunt September 22, 2017

1. Mindful Breathing

Long, deep breathing is the best way to activate the vagus nerve. Even though the vagus nerve is already involved in our involuntary breathing, when we do it consciously it helps to improve vagal tone. This, in turn, gives the the body a chance to rejuvenate.

Here is a simple mindful breathing exercise. First, make sure to sit comfortably in a chair or on a folded blanket. Then follow this breath pattern:

  • Sit upright and close the eyes.
  • As you inhale, lift your collarbone and sit straighter.
  • As you exhale, soften and relax.
  • As you inhale, expand the sides of your rib cage.
  • As you exhale, soften and relax.
  • As you inhale, expand the front and back of your rib cage.
  • As you exhale, soften and relax.
  • Repeat for 5-10 minutes.

In addition to mindful breathing, restorative yoga is an ideal way to stimulate the vagus nerve, as it incorporates both the breath and relaxing postures. Here are three beneficial restorative postures.

2. Supported Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana)

digestion-forward fold with a chair

Sit with legs extended straight, and fold forward over legs. Keep neck and shoulders relaxed. Make sure to support the torso/arms/head with a chair, bolsters or pillows. If the low back is not comfortable, sit on a pillow or folded blanket. Hold for 10-15 minutes, breathing mindfully.

3. Supported Bridge (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana)

Yoga Postures to Increase your Libido

Lay flat on the ground with legs bent. Place feet flat on the ground, hips’ width apart. Lift hips, and place a block (or large book) under the low back/pelvis. Rest back down onto the block. Hold for 10-15 minutes, breathing mindfully.

4. Reclined Spinal Twist with Bent Knees (Supta Jathara Parivartanasana)

reclined spinal twist

Lay flat on the ground with legs bent. Place feet flat on the ground, and hold a block between the knees. Lay arms out in a T position. Take bent knees over to one side. Place another block, bolster or folded blanket underneath the knees if they do not rest comfortably to the ground. Turn head away from the knees. Hold 5-10 minutes, breathing mindfully. Then, repeat on the other side.

5. Walking Meditation

Walking meditation is a wonderful practice because you can do it almost anywhere and anytime. It involves very deliberating thinking about doing a series of actions that you normally do automatically. First, find a good location where you can walk back and forth for 10-15 paces, or where you can walk continuously for 10-15 minutes. Walk at whatever pace you’d like, breaking down each step as follows:

  • Lift one foot totally off the ground.
  • Observe the foot as it swings forward and lowers.
  • Observe the foot as it makes contact with the ground, heel first.
  • Feel the weight shift onto that foot as the body moves forward.
  • Continue for 10-15 minutes, breathing mindfully.

If possible, practice your walking meditation barefoot. This allows you to notice additional sensations as your feet touch the ground.




My ongoing experience with Select CBD Oil


It has been about 6 weeks now of being on this product.  I am up to 25 drops per day which I take just prior to going to sleep.  It puts me into a very deep sleep lasting from 4-6 hours most nights.  And I find it also allows me to drift into a state of sleep that I can only describe as “the way my body and nature intended.”  I can’t imagine NOT taking it.  I feel it is doing good things for my body too.

As I have mentioned, I am now an Affiliate with Spectrum. Their products are lab-tested, certified, very good quality and VERY reasonably priced.

If you are interested in trying Spectrum CBD oil, please follow THIS LINK.

Thank you!


Communication clearings going on ~ throat issues


editor victoria’s comment ~ sharing because i have been feeling into this for months now (sometimes it takes me awhile to acknowledge my FEEL is a KNOW and is thus Truth)…..months ago i was guided to speak with Love….and i was guided to only speak when i feel i need to…to be conscious of how i speak and to speak my Truth…..and to rest my voice…..in the New this is just how we operate….i notice when i don’t listen to that guidance my throat and chest get all icky/congested….of course the spraying of the skies creates symptoms – but i know this issue is about more than just throat irritants…..


Gordon Chase Sorensen II
There is a huge communication clearing going on right now. You may notice yourself or others coughing or clearing their throat a lot. It may be sore, or you could lose your voice. Be very intentional with your words. Since we entered the 5D timeline manifestations have been accelerated and imbalances have become harder to ignore. Don’t suppress speaking your truth, but also don’t try to force communication if it’s not coming naturally. One very important thing is to try not to speak things excessively harsh, or project anger from your throat chakra. This creates blockages and allows lower chakra entities and implants to be attached. They then can disrupt your ability to communicate effectively, use your voice to project negativity, and cause physical discomfort. Speak clearly and firmly, but gently. Avoid yelling and swearing excessively in anger. This is a big one – don’t allow yourself to be pulled into conflict paradigm arguments. Speak your blessings, and articulate your forgiveness if someone wrongs you. Your voice is one of your most powerful tools, and especially at this time I encourage you to use it wisely.

333  New Earth Guardian

Tetanus Vaccine Causes a New Disease Known as Antiphospholipid Syndrome


By Heidi Stevenson

The vaccine junta is not only unconcerned with vaccine-induced diseases, it’s massively gearing up this vaccine arms race against the human race. It’s known that tetanus vaccine causes a new disease, antiphospholipid syndrome. New adjuvants are composed of phospholipids, a potential disaster.

The tetanus vaccine causes a new disease known both as Hughes syndrome and antiphospholipid syndrome (APS). It’s an autoimmune condition that can attack any part of the body, though is best noted for heart attacks and killing fetuses. It’s likely that APS will become more common with the new generation of vaccine adjuvants now being produced.

The sufferers of (APS) are mostly women, and its diagnosis is often made as a result of multiple pregnancy losses. As is typical of new diseases, research is focused on finding a genetic cause, in spite of the fact that the connection with vaccines is well known and documented.

As the name implies, APS is a condition in which phospholipids, natural and necessary substances required by every part of the body, is seen as an infectious agent by the immune system. So, this substance that exists in every cell becomes subject to attack. Symptoms include:

  • Blindness
  • Cardiovascular:
    • Deep vein thrombosis (clots in veins)
    • Phlebitis
    • Thrombocytopenia (deficiency of blood platelets, causing bleeding & bruising)
    • Atherosclerosis
    • Pulmonary embolus (clots in the lungs)
    • Heart valve abnormatilies
    • Stroke
  • Headaches & migraines
  • Miscarriages
  • Neurological disorders:
    • Epilepsy
    • Chorea (sudden uncontrollable jittery movements)
    • Transverse myelitis (inflammation of the spinal cord)
    • Multiple sclerosis
    • Cognitive dysfunction
  • Skin disorders, including mottling, ulcers, and necrosis

APS can also be diagnosed—more accurately, misdiagnosed—as lupus erythematosus, which is another vaccine-induced condition.

APS and Vaccines

One study calls Hughes syndrome the “classical antiphospholipid syndrome”[1]. That study refers to similarities between plasma protein beta-2-glycoprotein-I (β2GPI), which is attacked in APS, and the tetanus vaccine. That is, the tetanus antigen has parts that are virtually identical to β2GPI, which is found virtually everywhere in the body.

Another study documents how APS can be induced in laboratory animals with tetanus vaccination[2]. Many large number of other studies document and investigate the connection between vaccines and antiphospholipid syndrome[3,4,5,6,7,8].

These studies leave little doubt that APS is caused by vaccines. That should come as little surprise, since it was first identified as a disease during the 1980s. If this disease existed prior to vaccines, it was so rare that it was unknown. Now, it can take its place among a growing list of vaccine-induced conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, macrophagic myofasciitis, multiple sclerosis, autism, and siliconosis. The list keeps growing and many believe that all these conditions should be included under a single name, autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants, or ASIA.


How the CDC and Media Lie about the Measles Death Rate


by  | May 6, 2019 | Health & Vaccines | 0 comments

The claim that measles kills 1 in 1,000 is false. Before the vaccine, it was 1 in 10,000. And vaccination has actually increased the case fatality rate.

When reporting on measles outbreaks in the US, the mainstream media routinely tell the public that the death rate from viral infection is 1 in 1,000. The source for this regularly repeated claim is the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), which does indeed state on its website that “For every 1,000 children who get measles, one or two will die from it.” But that is a blatant and deliberate lie.

Although the media don’t tell you this, most of the decline in measles mortality seen during the 20th century occurred before the vaccine was introduced in 1963 and was due to an increasing standard of living, including better nutrition. By the time the vaccine came into use, measles deaths had become relatively rare, averaging about 500 per year.

Although the mortality rate had declined dramatically prior to the vaccine, the incidence of measles remained fairly steady. Almost everyone had been infected by the time they reached adulthood, resulting in long-lasting immunity. Furthermore, because the virus was still circulating, re-exposures provided a natural boosting, such that having measles during childhood typically conferred a robust immunity that was lifelong in duration.

Every year, an estimated 3 million to 4 million people were infected with measles. However, most cases were benign and not reported. The number of reported cases annually was about 500,000.

That’s where the “1 in 1,000” figure comes from. It’s the number of deaths per reportedcases. The CDC, of course, knows full well that most cases were not reported and that the actual fatality rate was 0.1 in 1,000. As the Institute of Medicine (IOM) observed in a 1994 report, it was actually “1 per 10,000 cases”.


Measles, Masterminds & Millions


editor victoria’s comment ~ another awesome piece by Corey Lynn….thank you sister d for passing this one along….


May 4, 2019

The Clintons masterminded the mandatory free Vaccines for Children program back in 1994 – paid for by taxpayers – while pocketing hundreds of thousands of dollars from vaccine manufacturers over the years. While the MMR vaccine is dished out like candy over the “measles outbreak,” and the exclusive manufacturer Merck has increased revenues by 27% to $496 million, the media is pimping out doctored baby photos to create panic and claiming the “outbreak” is the fault of anti-vaxxers, as the CDC inflates numbers (again). Learn the facts behind the Measles, Masterminds & Millions in this 6-part series.

• In 1994, the Clintons masterminded the mandatory Vaccines for Children Program – The same year, was the last U.S. measles “outbreak” resulting in zero deaths and 30% of the 963 cases chose not to vaccinate citing religious or philosophic reasons
• Big discrepancies and misrepresentations in reporting by major news outlets and the CDC website pertaining to the measles outbreak
• The Gov. Vaccine Injury Compensation Program has settled $4.1 billion in vaccine injury and death cases behind the scenes, paid for by taxpayers, and Obama added more vaccines to the compensation list in December 2016
• The vaccine industry is expected to hit $100 billion by 2025. The Clintons have collected their fair share.
• Merck & Co., the exclusive MMR vaccine manufacturer, is embroiled in a lawsuit against its own scientists who blew the whistle claiming Merck falsified the efficacy rate
• Mandatory MMR vaccines for measles with fines up to $2000 in NY, quarantines in CA, and countless new vaccine bills on the docket to eliminate religious exemption

PART I: The Clintons Masterminded The Mandatory Free “Vaccines for Children” (VFC) Program in 1994


1980s Federal purchases of vaccines nearly tripled under President Bush, growing from $98.2 million in 1988 to $297 million in 1992. Bush also added $46 million to improve immunization delivery to preschool children.

1986 The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program was established to ensure the manufacturers weren’t liable. This put the liability on the government to handle all injury and death related vaccine cases behind the scenes, while taxpayers footed the bill.

1992 During the presidential campaign, Bill and Hillary Clinton said that the measles epidemic was the result of the Bush administration’s failure to provide poor and middle-class children with access to vaccines.

1993 President Clinton announced the new “Vaccines for Children (VFC)” program – a program that the Children’s Defense Fund was pushing for, after issuing a report blaming the cost of vaccines for creating a “lethal chain of events” that lead to children’s death from measles. Hillary Clinton had previously worked with the Children’s Defense Fund and was on the board.

1994 The free mandatory Vaccines for Children Program was launched.

They pulled out all the stops to obtain the funding for the vaccines. They pushed the narrative that immunization levels were low because vaccines were too costly, and without a vaccine entitlement, the children would be exposed to the risk of disease. Donna Shalala, then-U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) appointed by Bill Clinton, reported that the immunization rate was at 55%. Shalala served for eight years, the longest HHS Secretary in U.S. history. George W. Bush later hand-picked her to co-chair with Senator Bob Dole on the Commission on Care for Returning Wounded Warriors. She was given the Medal of Freedom from Bush, and went on to receive the Nelson Mandela Award for Health and Human Rights in 2010. Shalala ventured back to the Clintons to serve as President of the Clinton Foundation from 2015 to 2017, and currently serves as a congresswoman to Florida’s 27th District.